Dmg On Rune 3 Or 5 Summorners War

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Oct 23, 2018  Skill 3: Forest of Living: Revives a dead ally target with 30% HP. If the ally is alive, casts Soul Protection for 3 turns. If the ally is alive, casts Soul Protection for 3 turns. In addition, when used in Druid Form, increases the Defense of all allies for 3 turns and then transforms into Beast Form to Provoke all enemies for 1 turn with a 30. It depends on what you use him for. I primarily use Sig for db10, but I also use him in gw and arena. I only focus his stats for db10 though. I used to have him on a broken build with decent enough stats to survive db10 with my verd Vero Megan Bella comp, switched him over to violent on attack CD attack with 45 speed from subs, has less HP than before, hits a bit less hard, but the runs have.

  • Yes, 5. runes are WAY better then 3-4. runes. I just got myself another 5. swift rune for my Verdehile, slot 5, with 3% crit dmg, 8% accuracy and 13% atk as bonus stats and 900 HP flat as the main stat for 5 slot runes obviously. Now my old 3. rune (both +6 btw) got 550 flat HP and 4% HP and 3.
  • Just to remind you all, that the multipliers of skill ups go inside the critdamage, and critdamage is the inate 150% + bonuses + skill ups, while atk is 100% + bonus atk/base atk, for those here that did algebra, you can arive at his conclusion, when you try to maximize this function on the% of atk and cD%, you arive af the conclusion of atk=cdmage!
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  • 1Rune Mage
    • 1.3Class Features
  • 2Class Features
    • 2.1Spellcasting Feature
    • 2.2Rune Knowledge
  • 3Rune Mage Profession
    • 3.1Mage Profession
    • 3.2Warrior Profession
    • 3.3Stealth Profession

Rune Mage[edit]

As a Rune Mage you live like a Wizard, only that your Spellbook is a Runebox and you don't cast Spells in the normal Arcane Arts.

Knowledge means Power[edit]

A Rune Mage isn't a common Mage as his name could purpose. Every Rune Mage is a member of a certain circle of Arch Rune Mages who nearly worship a special combination of Big Runes.

The Rune Box is made of normal or special materials, depending on the Rune Mage who uses it. Every Rune Mage builds his own Rune Box out of wood, stone, gems or chemicals and it is a long and spirutal process. Every Rune Box is also bound to the soul of the Rune Mage and can also be a way to kill the Rune Mage. A wish Spell can destroy the Rune Box and that also kills the Rune Mage.

A Rune Mage searches for power through knowledge and practice. They dedicate themselves to a combination of Big Runes and every Rune Mage knows these. They go to schools, similar to Wizards, but the schools are very rare and the conditions to learn from these schools takes a lot of time and investment and only someone who has finished their Rune Box is a full member of the school, at it lowest ranks at the beginning.

Creating a Rune Mage[edit]

Quick Build

You can make a Rune Mage quickly by following these suggestions. First, Intelligence should be your highest ability score, followed by Wisdom, Dexterity or Strength, depending on what you choose as a Big Rune. Second, choose the Sage background.

Class Features

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As a Rune Mage you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per Rune Mage level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + Constitution modifier per Rune Mage level after 1st


Armor: none
Weapons: Simple Weapon
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Wisdom
Skills: Choose three from Arcana, Acrobatics, History, Investigation, Perception, Persuasion, Religion.


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You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) a Simple Weapon or (b) a Martial Weapon (if proficient)
  • (a) a Leather Armor (if Proficient) or (b) a Chain Shirt (if Proficient)
  • (a) a Dungeneers Pack or (b) a Scholars Pack
  • an arcane focus
  • If you are using starting wealth, you have roll 4d4*10 in funds.

Table: The Rune Mage

FeaturesSpell SlotsSpell LevelBig RunesMedium RunesSmall Runes
1st+2 Spellcasting Feature , Rune Knowledge 11st1-4
2nd+2 Rune Mage Profession 21st2-6
3rd+2Medium Runes22nd236
4th+2Ability Score Improvement22nd236
6th+3Rune Mage Profession Feature23rd248
8th+3Ability Score Improvement24th2510
10th+4Rune Mage Profession Feature25th2510
12th+4Ability Score Improvement36th3612
14th+5Rune Mage Profession Feature37th3714
16th+5Ability Score Improvement38th3714
18th+6 Rune Mastery 49th4816
19th+6Ability Score Improvement49th4816
20th+6 Cryptic Knowledge 49th4918

Class Features[edit]

Spellcasting Feature[edit]

You can cast Spells on different ways, given by your Runes or spell slots.

Spell Slots[edit]

You gain a number of Spell Slots equal to the number of Spells Slots in the Spell Slot column on your Classtable.You regain all Spell Slots after finishing a longrest.

Spell Level[edit]

The Spell Level of the Spells you can learn and cast is given in the Spell Level column on your Classtable. When you want to cast a level of 6th level or higher you can only do so once per longrest.

Spells Known[edit]

You can know all Spells of the Rune Mage Spelllist that equal or are smaller than your current Spell Level. You must prepare Spells from that list to cast them. You can prepare a number of spells up to half of your Rune Mage Level (rounded up) + your Intelligence modifier.

Spellcasting Ability[edit]

Your Spell casting modifier is Intelligence, so your Spell Save DC is 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier and your Spell Attack Bonus is yor proficiency bonus + your Intelligence modifier.

Arcane Focus[edit]

You must have an Arcane Focus on your person when casting a Spell that uses material components that have not indicated a cost.

Rune Knowledge[edit]

From first level on, you know how to use Runes.


You have a Runebox in which you store your Runes. Your Runebox is magically bound to your soul. The Runebox can't be destroyed by normal means, but if it is destroyed by supernatural means it disappears into your body. When you lose the box or it has been destroyed you can summon it back to your person by meditating for one Minute. The box will appear on your lap. You can still use your all features of the Rune Mage Class without your Runebox until the next long rest. After that, you lose the Feature of using your Small Runes, after one day you lose the features of your Medium Runes and after one month you lose all features of the Class. When you lose all features, you need to meditate for one hour to regain your Runebox and all other Class Features.

Big Runes[edit]

You have a number of Big Runes as shown in the Big Rune column on your Classtable. You can choose one Big Rune by level one that appears in your Runebox and gain the Features of the Rune. Whenever you gain another Big Rune to choose you can choose a Rune that is made to be available to you. You gain diffrent Runes to choose from Big Runes by your Rune Mage Profession and you get to choose from three different types of Big Runes. Everytime you can choose a Big Rune, you can instead upgrade a Big Rune to a higher level. You can't change your Big Rune choice after you chose.

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These are the Big Runes you can choose by level one and which you can upgrade:

Mage Rune

1st level: You can cast spells without expending a spell slot. You can do so by instead preparing a spell with your Small Runes.You can do so as shown in the Small Rune spell table right under the 1st level of the Mage Rune. The higher the level is you want to cast the spell on, the more Small Runes you need to prepare this type of casting. You can only prepare a spell you can know and you can't prepare a spell on a higher level than your spell Level. After you cast a Spell on this way, the Small Runes lose their energy and regain it after you finish a longrest.You can also prepare a Cantrip by using one Small Rune and choosing one Cantrip of the Rune Mage spell list. You can have prepared a number of Cantrips equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Spell Slot LevelSmall Rune Cost

2nd level: You can now prepare a number of spells equal to your Rune Mage level + your Intelligence modifier. You can know cast spells of level 6 or higher a number of times equal to your spell slots, if they have reached the appropriate level.

Warrior Rune

1st level: You gain one extra Hitpoint for every level in the Rune Mage class. Also you gain proficiency with Medium Armor and Martial Weapons. You also get to choose one of the Fighting Style's listet below. If you can choose another Fighting Style you can not choose a Style you already know.

Fighting Styles:


You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.


While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.


When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.

Great Weapon Fighting

When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.


When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you. you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.

Two-Weapon Fighting

When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

2nd level: You can now expend one spell slot as a bonus action to regain hitpoints equal to your proficiency bonus at the beginning of your turn for one minute. Once you use this ability you can't do so until you finish a longrest. You can gain twice your proficiency bonus instead as hitpoints at the beginning of every round if you expend one hitdie when using this ability. This, of cause, is optional. This effect only stops if either the time runs out or you are killed.

Stealth Rune

1st level: You gain profiency in the Stealth and the Sleight of Hand skill. If you already have proficiency in these skills, the proficiency bonus is doubled. You also gain proficiency in thief tool's and gain proficiency with Light Armor.

2nd level: You now can deal Sneak Attack damage. This ability works as the same as the Sneak Attack ability of the PHB Rogue class (p.94). The Sneak Attack damage die is given to you as is descripted in the Table below. You can also prepare one Illusion and one Enchanting Spell of your choice for free.

Rune Mage LevelDamage die

Medium Runes[edit]

You have a number of Medium Runes as shown in the Medium Rune column on your Classtable. From 3rd level on, you can choose effects which you get from your Archetype or this Feature. You use one Medium Rune for one or more effects. You can have a effects on once, if the effect don't says that can be applied multiple times.These are the effects you can choose from, no matter which Big Rune you chose:

-Your movement increases by 10 feet.

-You can make one action as a bonus action on your turn twice per longrest.

-You gain a darkvision of 60 feet.

-When you heal up during a shortrest you treat a one on all of your hitdice as a two. Division 2 dmg to dps.

-You gain temporary hitpoints equal to your maxed out hitdice everytime you finish a longrest.

-You get advantage on one specific skill check, three times per longrest. You choose in which skill check you gain the advantage when you choose this Rune.

-You gain proficency in one weapon or armor of your choice. (Like Shortswords or Studded Leather Armor.)

-You gain resistance against one of the following damage types: Fire, Cold, Acid, Poison, Thunder, Lightning, Necrotic.

-Your Unarmed Strike deals 1d4 instead of one damage.

-You can breathe water and air.

-You can use a bonus action to turn invisible until the beginning of your turn.

-One of your Abilityscores increases by one.

-You can cast Misty Step a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between longrests without expending a spell slot.

-You can cast Dispell Magic and Countespell, both on your highest spell slot level twice without expending a spell slot. You regain all uses after you finish a longrest.

Small Runes[edit]

You have a number of Small Runes as shown in the Small Rune column on your class table. You can use Small Runes to give yourself small effects and abilities. You also can get abilities which can use these Runes. You can have multiple effects at a time,but you can have every effect only once, exept an ability says that you can have a certain effect up multiple times. The effects listet all use one Small Rune at a time. You can change the effects every time you finish a longrest.

You can choose these effects to be on your Small Runes:

-You can move through difficult terrain by half your speed + 5 feet. You can only choose this effect, if you don't already have a modified speed through difficult terrain.

-You can swim by half of your speed + 5 feet. You can only choose this effect, if you don't already have a modified swimming speed.

-You can climb by half of your speed + 5 feet. You can only choose this effect, if you don't already have a modified climbing speed.

-You can read one language of your choice.

-Your Darkvision increases by 10 feet. (you can choose this effect multiple times, one Rune for 10 feet additional)

-Your carryweight increases by 10. (you can choose this effect multiple times, one Rune for 10 carryweight additional)

-The maximum falling damage you can suffer is 16d6.

-You can use one Hitdice as a action to heal once per longrest.

-You gain advantage on poison saving throws.

-You can hold your breath for your Constitution modifier + 1 minutes. You can only choose this effect, if you don't already have a modified breath holding time.

-The Small Rune you choose is an Arcane Focus for you.

Rune Mage Profession[edit]

From 2nd level on, you choose to follow one Rune Mage Profession. You can only choose an Profession when you meet the prerequisites to choose one. You can choose an Profession before or after you choose your next Big Rune and you can choose your Profession only ones. You can also invest your second Big Rune into the Profession Big Rune. You can choose between the Mage, the Warrior or the Stealth Profession.

Ability Score Increase[edit]

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Rune Mastery[edit]

At 18th level, you learn to use your Runes with higher advantage. You can now get one Medium Rune Effect by using 4 Small Runes for this purpose. You can have such a way of using Small Runes only once at a time. You can change this Effect only by spending 7 days and 8 hours of works per day. You can only concentrate on these Runes in that time. You can also prepare one Spell in addition to your Spells that you can prepare. This Spell can be from any class, but can only be casted by expending a Spellslot.

Cryptic Knowledge[edit]

At 20th level, your knowledge expends beyond your Runes, thanks to the control of your soul. You can choose one skill, language or proficiency. You gain it without spending Runes and you can change this proficiency only during a shortrest or longrest. Also, you can cast one Spell of 5th level or lower without expending a Spellslot. You must have this Spell prepared and you can cast only one Spell per longrest on this way.

Rune Mage Profession[edit]

You choose between three Professions. You chose between the Mage, the Warrior, the Stealth Profession.

Mage Profession[edit]

This profession teaches you to be as powerful as a wizard.

The Mage Power Rune[edit]

1st level

-You can now cast one of the spells prepared by your Small Runes twice a longrest. You choose which spell you cast twice spontaniously.

-You can also now prepare Cantrips equal to your Intelligence modifier without using Small Runes.

-Choose one 1st level spell you can prepare. You can cast this spell once per Shortrest without expending a spell slot.

2nd level

-You can choose one 1st level and one 2nd level spell. If you have those prepared you can cast them without expending spell slots. You can change those spells by spending 8 hours per spell to relearn an other spell.

-You can now also prepare one spell from any class spelllist and cast it without spending a spell slot. When you do so, you can't do so again until you finish a longrest.

-Choose one 3rd level spell you can prepare. You can cast this spell once per shortrest without expending a spell slot.

Medium Runes[edit]

In this Profession you learn how to use Medium Runes to support your Spellcasting Ability.For every Medium Rune you can get one of the following effects:

-You learn get one complete spelllist as an addition to the one you already have from another Class.

-You can cast Mage Armor at will without expending a spell slot.

-You can cast Magic Missles at will without expending a spell slot at a level equal to your proficiency bonus. You regain all uses after you finish a longrest.

-You can cast Levitate on yourself only without expending a spell slot, if you can prepare the spell.

-You can cast Spider Climb without expending a spell slot, if you can prepare the spell.

-You can cast one spell of your choice and of a level equal to your proficiecy modifier, from the Rune Mage Spell List only, once per shortrest without expending a spell slot.

-You get one more spell slot that follows the same rules as your Rune Mage spell slots that can reach levels above 6th Spellevel.

Improved Spell Slots[edit]

When you choose this Profession you gain more spell slots. These spell slots recover after a shortrest.

Rune Mage LevelSpell SlotsSpell Slot Level

Versaite Casting[edit]

By reaching 6th level, you learn to control your spells better. Whenever you prepare your Small Runes at a longrest, you can use one Small Rune to prepare a spell of a level equal to your Intelligence modifier and the spell gains one of the following abilities:

-The spells duration is doubled

-The spells range is doubled.

-When you cast this spell, you cast it twice.

-If you roll a spell attack, you gain advantage on any roll connected to casting this spell.

-Targets of the spell gets disadvantage on their savingthrows.

Spellcasting improvement[edit]

By reaching 10th level, you can cast one Spell that you can prepare without expending a Spellslot. You can do so again after you finish a longrest. To use this feature the Spell has to be from a level that is less or equals your highest available Spelllevel rounded up. For example, at 20th level you can use this feature to cast a Spell of 5th level or lower.


Reaching 14th level, you can get your Rune Mage Spellslots back after you finish a shortrest. To do so, you must have used the number of Slots you want to recover. You can only regain a number of Slots equal to your halfed proficiency modifier. After you use this feature you can't use it again until you finish a longrest.

Warrior Profession[edit]

As a Rune Warrior you learned to gain martial abilities through studying.

The Warrior Power Rune[edit]

1st level

-You gain proficiency in all Armor types.

-You know can also use special arcane arts to power your attacks. You can use them for different tactical actions, to gain the opportunity in some cases. They are called Arcane Points or AP. You regain half of your AP (rounded up) after finishing a short rest. You can do so once per longrest. After that you need to finish a longrest before you can regain points on that way. You also regain all AP after finishing a longrest.

-You also learn AP Techniques which you use to make your own set of powerful skills. The Techniques are listet below the AP table. You can choose Techniques only once and you can change one Technique after you gain a level in this class. AP Techniques can be combined with Manuevers.

AP table
Rune Mage LevelAPAP Techniques

Ap Techniques:

Empowered Strike

When you expend two AP to attack one creature in your range as a action, you can deal more damage by loading your blade with arcane energy. The attack counts as magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances. When you hit the attack,your damge dice rolls deal a minimum damage equal to your proficiency bonus per die. You do not make bonus damage if your proficiency bonus exeeds the dice highest number, but you deal the maximum damge of the die.

Precize Strike

You accuracy increases and your weapon is nearly pulled towards your enemy. You can expend two AP to get +1 to attack rolls. For every additional point spend you get another +1 to your attack roll, to a bonus maximum of your proficiency bonus.

Defense Stance

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As an bonus action you can spend a number up to your proficiency bonus to get one extra point of armor per point until the end of your next turn.

Pushing Swing

You learn to move enemies by lifting them with some of your attacks. When you hit an attack you can try to push a creature 10 feet away in any direction, if the space and the way you push the target into is not occupied and if the target is not larger than a large creature. The 10 feet are centered on the target, not on you. To use this Technique you must expend three AP points.

Magical Hit

When you make an attack roll, you can expend 1 AP to give the attack a range of 5 feet. You can spend a number of points equal to your proficiency bonus and for every point you spend the range highers by 5 feet.

2nd level

-You now can get a critical hit at a target at a natural 19-20 on a d20. This only counts for attacks.

-You can now make one attack as a bonus action, but only if you used your action to cast a Spell or a Cantrip.

-You can cast Magic Weapon at 6th level without spending a Spellslot or any components. You can do so a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Medium Runes:[edit]

These Runes are an expension to those that you can get from the class anyway:

-You can cast the Haste spell a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier. (Prerequisite: Rune Mage level 5)

-You can cast Stoneskin a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier. (Prerequisite: Rune Mage level 7)

-You get advantage on one attack of your choice. You can only gain it twice per longrest.

-After you finish a longrest you get temporary hitpoints equal to twice your Rune Mage level.

-You can add your Intelligence modifier as a bonus action to your AC. After a attack hits you, you lose this bonus. You can get this bonus a number of times equal to half your proficiency modifier. You regain all uses after you finish a longrest.

-You can cast the Shield spell a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus between longrests.

-You can cast Blur a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus per longrest without expending a spell slot.

-You can cast Hex once per longrest at 5th level without expending a spell slot. (Prerequisite: Rune Mage level 9)

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-You can cast Dominate Person once per longrest without expending a spell slot.(Prerequisite: Rune Mage level 7)

Extra Attack[edit]

Beginning at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Divine Magic[edit]

Beginning at 10th level, you gain access on the PHB paladin class spell list.

Battlefield Master[edit]

By reaching 14th level, your figthing abilities reached a level of control that gives you power over other peoples minds:

-You can cast the spell Command at your highest spell slot level without expending a spell slot. You can do so once per longrest.

-You can cast the Aura of Vitality, Aura of Life or Aura of Purity spell once on 5th level without expending a spell slot. You can't do so again until you finish a longrest.

-You can cast the Thunderous Smite, Branding Smite or Banishing Smite spell once on 5th level without expending a spell slot. you can't do so again until you finish a longrest.

Stealth Profession[edit]

This Rune profession teaches you skills that are needed to be like a Rogue.

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The Stealth Power Rune[edit]

1st level

-You can now use your reaction to half the damage of an attack or spell.

-You can also cast a spell without Verbal and Somatic Components. You can do so only once per longrest.

-After you cast a spell your Speed rises by a number of feet equal to 5 times the spells level until the end of your turn.

2nd level

-Whenever you roll on a skill check that you are proficient in, you can reroll the roll if you want and you must use the new roll. You can use this ability a number of times equal to your Intelligence modifier per longrest.

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-You can now cast one Illusion or Enchantment spell of your choice without expending a spell slot. You can change your choice when you finish a longrest. You must not prepare your chosen spell.

-If you are hidden from a creature when you cast a spell on it, the creature has disadvantage on any saving throw it makes against the spell this turn.

Medium Runes[edit]

You can use one or more Medium Rune to gain one of the abilities that are listet below. An effect says if you can use it more than once and how many Runes you use. These are the effects you can choose from:

-You can cast one 1st level Illusion or Enchanting spell of your choice from every class you want. You can change your choice by spending 8 hours of resorting the Medium Rune. (You can choose this Rune only once.)

-You can cast Invisibility a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier without expending a spell slot. You reagin all uses after you finish a longrest.(You can choose this Rune only once.)

-You can cast Misty Step a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier without expending a spell slot. You reagin all uses after you finish a longrest. (You can choose this Rune only once.)

-You gain proficiency in the Sleight of Hand and Stealth skill. If you are already proficient in one of the skills, the proficiency bonus is then doubled for that skill. (You can choose this Rune only once.)

-You gain proficiency in the Perception and Investigation skill. If you are already proficient in one of the skills, the proficiency bonus is then doubled for that skill. (You can choose this Rune only once.)

-Your Speed isn't effected by difficult terrain and your Stealthspeed is the same as your normal Speed. (You can choose this Rune only once.)

-You can cast Disspell Magic and Countespell, both, a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier without expending a spell slot. You reagin all uses after you finish a longrest. (You can choose this Rune only once.)

-You learn the Mage Hand Cantrip. The spectral hand is invisible to everybody except for you and you can now also stow or retrieve an object hold by the hand into a container worn or carried by an other creature. You can use thieves' tools to pick locks and disarm traps at range. To pickpocket someone you must succeed on a Dexterity(Sleight of Hand) check against a Wisdom(Perception) check of the creature you are pickpocketing or you will be noticed. You can control the hand as a bonus action. (You can choose this Rune only once.)

-You can cast Disguise Self without expending a spell slot. (You can choose this Rune only once.)

-You can cast Alter Self without expending a spell slot a number of times equal to your proficiency modifier per longrest. At 15th level you can cast it an unlimited number of times. (You can choose this Rune only once.)

-You can cast Greater Invisibility without expending a spell slot.(Prerequisite: Rune Mage level 16) (You can choose this Rune only once.)

Sneak Attack[edit]

You get the Sneak Attack feature of the PHB Rogue class (p.94), and the damage dice equal your proficiency bonus - 1 d6es. If you already get this feature from the second Sneak Big Rune or you choose the Rune, the Sneak Attack damage dice add up.

Nimble Feet[edit]

At 6th level, you can use a bonus action on each of your turns to take the Dash, Dodge, Disengage or Hide action. If you use the Dodge action with this ability you can only do so by spending your half movement. If you already moved more than your half speed you can not use the Dodge action with this ability.

You can also double your speed by exspending one spell slot as a free action until the end of your turn.

Dodge of the Light Step[edit]

At 10th level, you gain the Evasion Class Feature from the PHB Rogue class (p.94). You can also expend a Spellslot to get advantage on a Savingthrow when you are forced to make one. You can decide to take the advantage after you rolled, but before you know the outcome.

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Skill Mastery[edit]

At 14th level, you can use one of your Small Runes to gain proficiency in a skill or to double the proficiency bonus on that skill. You can double the bonus only once. You can also expend one spell slot to succeed on a skill check or attack instead of failing in it, but only if you are proficient in that skill or weapon you use. You can do so only once per shortrest or longrest.

Rune Mage Spell List[edit]

You know all of the spells on the basic Rune Mage spell list and additional spells based on your Profession.


Acid Splash, Blade Ward, Booming Blade, Dancing Lights, Fire Bolt, Green-Flame Blade, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Minor Illusion, Light, Shocking Grasp, Sword Burst, True Strike, Ray of Frost

1st Level

Wizard Spell List 1st level

2nd Level

Wizard Spell List 2nd level

3rd Level

Wizard Spell List 3rd level

4th Level

Wizard Spell List 4th level

5th Level

Wizard Spell List 5th level

6th Level

Wizard Spell List 6th level

7th Level

Wizard Spell List 7th level

8th Level

Wizard Spell List 8th level

9th Level

Wizard Spell List 9th level


You can only choose this class at first level and you can't Multiclass with other classes, because some combinations would be gamebreaking.

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