Does Moiras Attack Ramp Up And Do More Dmg

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Apr 26, 2017  Is Moira Dead On 'The Handmaid's Tale'? The Book Reveals Her Fate. But more than that they drove home how fast and how suddenly freedom was. He does 500 DMG with it. Over a timespan of 30 seconds he does 3.466 DMG resulting in a DPS of 115,5. Including Helix Rocket he does 3946 Damage resulting in a DPS of 131,5. McCree needs 4,02 seconds to shoot a full clip including reload. He does 420 DMG with it. Over a timespan of 30 seconds he does 3.134 DMG resulting in a DPS of 104,46.

Overwatch had a busy BlizzCon. Not only is the hit team-based shooter receiving a new hero, the healer Moira, but we’re also getting Blizzard World, a new map that’s like Disneyland meets Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo.

Jeff Kaplan, Overwatch’s game director, made both announcements during BlizzCon’s opening ceremonies on November 3. That same day, we were able to sit down with him. We learned more about Moira and how Kaplan expects people to play (and kill) her. We also got to delve into the inspiration for Blizzard World.

But our Overwatch talk went beyond the recent announcements. We also asked Kaplan about Mercy, her problematic resurrection abilities, and how Blizzard is trying to fix her. Kaplan also talked about how Blizzard is combatting toxicity inside the game.

And we defended Hanzo mains, because Hanzo is good and people need to stop being mean to him and the people who love him.

Above: Moira.

GamesBeat: Overwatch has a new healer.

Jeff Kaplan: Moira Odoran, yeah. Don’t ask me to spell it.

GamesBeat: Players have been clamoring for a healer. I know these characters are in development far in advance, but did it just happen that this was the next one to come out? Or did it come to a point where players were saying they wanted a healer and maybe you needed to push healer a little faster?

Kaplan: We have a pretty good instinct for the game. Our instinct was toward a healer. I felt like there are some cases where we get to a place before the community does. It’s funny, because they rage at us and feel like we’re out of touch with the game, and we’re like, we know. We’ve been there all along. Moira’s been in development for months, way before people were making noises about another healer. We felt like that’s what the game needed.

GamesBeat: Is it fair to say she’s more a hybrid healer/attacker, like Zenyatta?

Kaplan: What’s interesting — when you say hybrid healer, a lot of people get nervous and go, well, then she can’t main heal? She can’t keep a team up? This character can, especially with the right team comp. On the one hand, her healing that she does is cone-based, similar to Mei’s freezing spray. It hits everyone in an area. If you have a group all together, you’re doing a lot of healing on all of them. It also leaves a heal over time on them, in addition to just the throughput healing it’s doing. But if your comp has someone like a Genji who’s always flying in front of everyone….

GamesBeat: Those Genjis need healing.

Kaplan: They need healing, and they’ll let you know, four times every few seconds. You can send out her Biotic Grenade. It’s a choice, damage or healing. It’s awesome with someone like a Genji. You send it bouncing down that hall and Genji knows, if I follow this ball I’ll do devastating damage and get healed the whole time. Even though she has a lot of hybrid elements to her through the damage she does, she still can really keep a team topped off.

Above: That’s a big beam.

GamesBeat: She has this Fade ability, this short teleport. How do you make that feel different from Tracer’s Blink?

Kaplan: You’ll see when you try fade out. First of all, it’s super fast, but you have full control of your character. It’s almost like a mix between Tracer’s Blink and Reaper’s Wraith Form. Reaper’s Wraith Form is kind of slow and very deliberate. You know where you are and you’re in control. With Moira, it’s super fast. That player right there was controlling exactly where she went. You go into this phased-out version of the world and actually move Moira to her next location. Blink, it’s just directional. You point and you’ll blink in that direction, but you’re not in control of the character while the blink is happening. It’s an instant 10-meter teleport in a direction, versus being able to move wherever you want. That’s part of the game with her. We’re showing a lot of times where she’s blinking behind someone, but it’s really a great disengage mechanic for a support player. You know when Winston or D.Va jumps in on you, a lot of times you fade, and you can go back around a corner. They’re not even expecting — they can’t find you after that.

GamesBeat: What do you expect to be the counters to Moira? What characters will perform well against her?

Kaplan: With all healers, I think dive is very powerful. Ironically, I think Ana, with the biotic grenade….

GamesBeat: And that new extra damage with her buff.

Kaplan: Yeah. You counter the healing. Genji is pretty interesting. He can deflect when she throws out the Biotic Grenade with the decay, the damage version. D.Va can defense matrix that ability. She’ll have a lot of counters from people like D.Va, Genji, Ana. They’ll all work against her pretty well.

GamesBeat: Do you think healers are the hardest characters for you to design?

Kaplan: I wouldn’t say necessarily the hardest. They’re a lot of fun for us to design. The challenge with any new hero is, how do you do something different that’s unlike the other heroes? Lucio’s really that radius-based, aura-based healer with high mobility. Mercy’s a single-target beam attach. Zenyatta is putting orbs on people. Trying to come up with a new mechanic — if you’re the type of player who only plays healing characters, you don’t want to touch any other characters in the roster, you still have a really diverse selection to pick from.

Does Moira's Attack Ramp Up And Do More Dmg Video

GamesBeat: When you’re making a lot of the damage characters, you can look back to FPS traditions. With healing, there are only so many examples of what a support character in a shooter can be like.

Kaplan: Absolutely, but we take inspiration from other game types. Lucio was a great example of that. A lot of us played classic RPGs where they always had the bard with his auras around him. More of Lucio’s inspiration was from RPG than traditional shooter mechanics.

Above: Mercy has had an … interesting year.

GamesBeat: Mercy has been through a lot of changes this year. Her Mass Resurrection was a problem. Then you changed it to the single-target res. Did you think that would be a nerf or a buff?

Kaplan: The goal — I’m about to tell you the goal and it’s going to make us sound like miserable failures. But the goal was to lessen the impact of resurrect overall on the game, and then also change Mercy’s play style so it was never wrong for Mercy to heal her teammates. We felt like we were in a situation — we had created a mechanic where a lot of times the correct thing for Mercy to do was stop healing, disengage, protect herself, and then res en masse. That was more effective than her going out and single-target healing one person. We felt like that was kind of broken gameplay, both for Mercy and for — honestly it never really felt great on the other end, if your team gets a graviton surge with a rocket barrage into it. “Wow, we just combo’d every ult in the game!” And then Mercy’s like, “No you didn’t, they’re all back.” So that was the goal, to lessen the impact of resurrect.

It was really interesting, because we put the changes on the PTR (public test realm), and the PTR feedback we got when we had Valkyrie now was twofold. We heard from non-Mercy players, now all Mercy is is a DPS damage machine, killing machine, and that’s all she’s gonna be. That’s why the changes on the PTR weren’t good. And what we heard from the Mercy community was just, the character’s unplayable now without five-person resurrect, she’s useless and nobody will ever pick her. Nobody was really identifying, hey, res happens really frequently now, maybe it’s actually more powerful than it was before? Obviously, quickly, as a community, we got to that point.

Our goal now is to lessen the impact of resurrect. We’ve had times where we’re just trying to change a character without changing the power level. We are very intentionally trying to bring the power level of resurrect down. We want the top two things you notice about Mercy to be, “Oh my God, she’s an amazing throughput healer,” and “Wow, look at that mobility, she’s just flowing back and forth through the map.” And we don’t want her to be the resurrect bot that’s just erasing kills.

GamesBeat: Resurrecting a dead ally is such a strong ability. Have you ever thought about just getting rid of it?

Kaplan: I think it would be unfortunate if we got to that place, where we just gave up on the ability. I do think it’s really cool. It feels great to be resurrected. It’s such a play style change. At first, your first instinct — if you’ve played a lot of Mercy, your instinct is to play it the old way. You’ll guardian angel into some 6v1 and hit your button and be like, “Oh, that was a big mistake.” It takes a big adjustment. But once you do adjust, there’s some really cool gameplay now. Suddenly a Reinhardt shield or an Orisa shield or ducking behind the payload, these become very interesting strategic choices.

Also, the team on the other side of the resurrect, where you don’t have the Mercy but they’re res-ing on the other side, it feels much better for them too. It’s less likely you’ll get that dive in and res Winston who dove into the [enemy team], and now he’s back rampaging. More likely, if Mercy does get a res off, it was somebody who was on her side of the front to begin with. There’s less of a sting to it. I hope these changes are right. If these changes aren’t right, I do think the direction of Valkyrie over the five-person res is correct for Mercy. We’ll just keep iterating our way to the perfect spot.

Above: Mercy doing her thing.

GamesBeat: Do you think that some of those Mercy players will transition to Moira as a new character?

Kaplan: I think there’s a lot of different types of players, but if I had to put them into three buckets, there are people who play everything: when I play tank I play this, when I play DPS I play this, when I play healer I play this. Then I think there are people who are role mains: I’ll play any tank, doesn’t matter what tank it is, I love all the tanks, whatever tank is meta or needed, I’m playing that tank. Then I think there’s a type of player who are just mains. This is my main. I’ll play this hero whether you like it or not. For people who just main a single hero, they’ll stick with that hero no matter what’s up. The players who main support and just want to play fun cool healers, they’re certainly going to try Moira out and have a great time playing her. Those of us who play everything and just flex with what the team needs, you’ll see lot of Moira play. Like Ana and Zenyatta, I think you’re going to see a lot of players who don’t normally play support very attracted to this character, because there are damage options on her as well, and you can play her very aggressively.

GamesBeat: Even with the new PTR changes for Mercy, some people were immediately saying that Mercy’s dead. Overreacting seems normal on most gaming message boards. How are you able to go through all of that feedback and sift through it?

Kaplan: When the feedback is loud and vocal, it’s because people come from a place of passion. They love the game. It’s not because they hate the game. They want what’s best for the game and their perception of what’s best for the game. The same goes for their hero. There’s a lot of ownership over a particular hero that everyone has. I think all of the feedback is valuable. It’s how you process the feedback. I think solely focusing on forum feedback is not the correct avenue. In general, the forums for example — if people agree with something or think something is well-balanced or super fun, they don’t make a forum post about that. They’re in the game playing. They tend to make forum posts about things they disagree with. I like to use the forums almost as a gauge, a barometer. I can use this to gauge where Mercy mains are at on this particular change.

But the really important thing to do is for us to play it ourselves. Not only were we playing the Mercy changes extensively before we put them on the PTR, then we just anonymously go on the PTR and play a bunch of matches. Sometimes we were the Mercy, sometimes we weren’t the Mercy. We were also checking out Ana. Sometimes we just — we’ll just play tanks and see, “Am I frustrated? How many resurrections got off that match? How many did our Mercy get off? How many did the other team’s Mercy?”

And also we look at statistics. We’re doing what I call the balance triangle: community feedback, dev team feedback, and then analytics. Paying attention to all of it and making sure that nothing’s out of whack. At the end of the day, we have to make a judgment call as game developers. It’s subjective. It’s a craft and an art form. It’s not just science. There aren’t right or wrong moves. As creators we sometimes just have to make a choice and say, we think this is going to be okay. Even if they’re being very vocal about it right now, let’s get over this idea that all change is bad and see if we move the game in a better direction.

First announced at BlizzCon 2017, new Support hero Moira is now live in Overwatch on both consoles and PC. Moira is an agent of Talon who plays somewhat akin to a Discipline Priest in WoW. This patch also includes the buff to Ana’s Biotic Rifle damage and — surprise — the latest updates to Mercy.

Mercy’s rework is a long, storied tale starting back in August when she first lost her Mass Resurrect ultimate ability. Since then, she’s gradually been altered further with tweaks to her new ultimate, an ever-increasing cooldown on her single-target Resurrect, and so on. In this patch, Resurrect receives a cast time in addition to its cooldown, and can be interrupted by stuns, knockbacks, and Sombra’s Hack. Hopefully, for the sake of Mercy players everywhere, today’s patch marks the end of the ongoing overhaul.

Check out the full notes below:

Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment (Official Post)


New Hero: Moira (Support):

Wielding both regenerative and degenerative technologies at her fingertips, Moira O’Deorain is Talon’s ambitious geneticist who seeks the knowledge to rewrite the building blocks of human life by any means necessary.

Moira’s cutting-edge capabilities make her a mobile healer and damage dealer capable of adapting to any situation. Her main attack is Biotic Grasp, which she can use to either heal allies or sap an enemy’s life force. Biotic Grasp’s primary fire sprays a cone of energy that heals all teammates within range, draining biotic energy while active, which will replenish slowly over time. Her alternate fire is a beam that tethers to enemies, dealing damage and siphoning health. Draining her foes’ health regenerates Moira’s biotic energy even faster, allowing more healing for her allies.


Her Biotic Orb ability launches a sphere of energy that bounces around the battlefield, healing nearby allies or damaging enemies until it dissipates. Fade enables Moira to disappear out of sight and sprint through the shadows, and makes her invulnerable for its duration. When Moira’s ultimate is ready to be unleashed, she can cast Coalescence—a powerful, long-range beam of chaotic energy that pierces through barriers to heal allies or damage enemies in its path.

To learn more about Moira, click here.

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As with all new heroes, please note that Moira’s release in Competitive Play will be delayed by one week.


Does Moiras Attack Ramp Up And Do More Dmg Download


  • Clicking the “leave game as group” checkbox will now remember your selection for future matches


  • One of the arcade slots will now change on a daily basis to include a variety of game modes such as Limited Duel, Low Gravity, and Capture the Flag



  • Biotic Rifle
    • Damage increased from 60 to 70

Developer Comments: Ana has been outshined by other support heroes lately. Boosting her damage will help her defend herself and make her more threatening to the enemy team.


  • Lúcio now has an effect above his head to indicate which song he’s playing in spectator mode

Does Moiras Attack Ramp Up And Do More Dmg Lyrics


I was a MGE and even when playing with teammates of the same rank it still happened because I always seem to find a team and the two bottom fraggers are like 3-19 and 10-14. Some games I'm getting 80+ points a game and still lose.This is what I've been experiencing lately and it's really starting to bother me because I feel like it doesn't make any sense. I played 1.3-1.5 for like 3-4 years back in the day and was in cal-im but things are totally different in this game. Tanki x dmg vs aiming dmg game.

  • Caduceus Staff
    • Increased visual readability of Mercy’s healing and damage boosting beams
  • Resurrect
    • Cast time increased from 0 seconds to 1.75 seconds
    • Mercy’s movement speed is now reduced by 75% while casting
    • Can now be interrupted when Mercy is knocked back, stunned, or hacked
  • Valkyrie
    • While active, Resurrect no longer has a cast time
    • While active, casting Resurrect does not reduce Mercy’s movement speed

Developer Comment: We feel that Mercy’s recent rework has been successful, but her Resurrect ability still feels too strong and frustrating to play against. Now that it has a cast time, enemies are more able to counter the ability. However, Resurrect will cast instantly when Valkyrie is active. This should make her feel powerful when she transforms on the battlefield.


  • Barrier Projector
    • Now displays a health bar

Developer Comment: This change will help both Winston’s allies and enemies know how much more damage his shield can absorb from oncoming attacks.



  • Made several visual adjustments to revamp the spectator mode HUD including an improved spectator mode UI, a new unit frame style, and an animated ultimate indicator



  • Fixed a bug that prevented player portrait borders from loading in the Hero Select screen or on the Match Status screen
  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from adding spectators to a Deathmatch game from within the Custom Game lobby


  • Fixed a bug that prevented bots from respawning when they were moved to a different slot or team within the Custom Game lobby
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the Sombra bot from hacking health packs
  • Fixed an issue that affected the Bastion bot’s movement when defending Point A on Eichenwalde
  • Fixed a bug that prevented bots from defending Point A on certain maps


  • Fixed a bug that caused Ana’s sidearm to emit a bright light when viewed in the Hero Gallery
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Ganymede from making appropriate roadrunner noises when Bastion’s Dune Buggy skin was equipped
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Mercy’s ultimate icon from displaying correctly when hacked by Sombra
  • Fixed an issue causing Roadhog’s Chain Hook to latch on to enemy players for longer than intended
  • Fixed an animation bug that caused Widowmaker’s knees to snap together when jumping
  • Fixed an issue that caused the toy robot in Zarya’s Mystery Gift emote to inflate when she tore it apart
  • Fixed an issue that prevented Junkrat’s RIP-Tire from casting properly while jumping


  • Fixed a bug that caused the incorrect stage of the map (e.g. Sanctum on Nepal) to be displayed during the hero selection phase when playing on Nepal and Lijiang Tower
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the progress bar from displaying briefly when players reached checkpoints on Escort and Escort/Assault maps
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the targeting UI on Doomfist’s Seismic Slam from functioning correctly when aiming at the spinning turbine blade near the last point of Junkertown
  • Fixed a bug that caused some objects to uncharacteristically fly across the room when shot on Horizon Lunar Colony

Note this patch does not yet include Blizzard World, the Blizzard Entertainment theme park map revealed at BlizzCon. The map hasn’t even been tested on the PTR yet, and it was even mentioned as slated for “early next year,” so it’s unlikely to even be playable anytime soon. But don’t forget, it will be coming with its own suite of new Blizzard crossover skins.

That doesn’t mean we’re necessarily done with new things until January, however — we still have the holiday event likely to take place in December. This likely means the holiday event — with its own set of holiday-themed skins — will wrap up 2017. Overwatchheld such an event last year, so it would be strange to skip it this year.

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