Fizz Does Too Much Dmg

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Overall, too much damage is killing this game for me. This is coming from a guy that dislikes conventional sports and really does want esports to be big. In what ways is Fizz not op? FluffyPidgeon (EUW) submitted in Champions & Gameplay. Hi folks Fizz does not have a 100% winrate, so he is not omnipotent, yet I fail to see how he is not op. In lane you pretty much have to make the perfect freeze pre 6, or he can get farm and maybe poke you some. At 6 he gets a kill on any squishy that is not. Hi folks Fizz does not have a 100% winrate, so he is not omnipotent, yet I fail to see how he is not op. In lane you pretty much have to make the perfect freeze pre 6, or he can get farm and maybe poke you some. At 6 he gets a kill on any squishy that is not surrounded by his entire team every time his ult is up.

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Fizz - Ap Mid/ Burst ((Full Guide))

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Hello and welcome to my build were we will be going trough Fizz - The Tidal Trickster . Fizz is a melee ap fighter that exelcs at assasinating lower hp targets. Fizz is a very adaptable champion in other words he can really play the style that suits the team best anytime he want. I've seen many on hit Fizzes but since the (W) dot goes for 3 sec i think its uneccecary to get too much atk speed on him (IN other word the dot applies three seconds and during those seconds u cannot apply a new dot. But back to this guide. I think iss a really good asset to his team going Ap/Burst assassin.
This is Joax2's guide to Ap/Burst

Fizz - Lore

Centuries ago, an ancient water-dwelling race built a hidden city beneath a mountain in the sea. Though these creatures had their enemies, the city was an impenetrable fortress, and, in the safety it provided, they grew complacent. Fizz, however, harbored a curious spirit that could not be satisfied living so cushioned a life. Unable to resist the allure of danger, Fizz had a habit of sneaking out of the city to look for trouble. In his many adventures he grew to be a powerful fighter with a sharp cleverness that let him skirt danger with ease. One day Fizz returned to find the city abandoned: his people had vanished, leaving Fizz without a clue to explain their disappearance. With nothing left in the city to keep him, Fizz salvaged an enchanted seastone trident from the ruins and set out alone.
Fizz wandered the ocean in search of his people for years, using the skills he’d learned during his adventures as young boy to survive. Finally, Fizz discovered the port of Bilgewater. He was fascinated with the existence of life above the water and could not resist exploring the island. In his endless curiosity, Fizz inadvertently meddled in the affairs of the humans who lived there, and his presence did not go unnoticed. His mischief angered many residents who eventually sought to capture or kill him. Fizz found himself cornered, and he prepared to return to the sea despite the fondness he’d come to hold for Bilgewater. As he stood at the docks, a massive dragon-shark attacked the port. Fizz defeated the beast, using his resourcefulness and knowledge of the creature’s weaknesses to his advantage. Having earned the gratitude and respect of the humans, Fizz decided to stay in Bilgewater. To further serve his new home, he joined the League of Legends.
“Fizz makes even the saltiest sailors of Bilgewater look like drunken landlubbers in a fight. Good thing he’s on our side.” – Miss Fortune, the Bounty Hunter

Pros / Cons

Fizz has good burst dmg.
Has a amazing dot skill.
Very good mobility (escaping and chasing).
He is capable of jungling.
Can easily dodge and negate opponents spells.
Has a hard time vs those tanky champs like .
Relies heavily on early gold from either kills or farming.
Is ap yet melee but is countered easily with WDmg
and the health from items.
Farming can be a problem.


Fizz is really item dependable and needs to be tanky by mid game
thats why i build like this
Doran's Ring
i buy this for early survivability and the extra ap it gives you.
while Fizz isnt a very mana hungry champ this should stop that 1% that you get out of mana
Sorcerer's shoes
This is the obvious choice for Fizz, he doesnt need any more survivability, he has enough speed, so what to do. ofc you add to he dmg. BUT this can be replaced with mercury treads for teams with much cc, however if you want to switch out Ghost and take another summoner spell you may need boots of swiftness.
Rod Of Ages
I buy RoA to solve the relativly squishyness fizz has troughout mid game while this also adds to the mana and hives him a burst boost this is very good choice.
Rylai's Crystal Scepter
I buy this to further increase my hp and yet slowly increase my dmg and this item also provides a useful slow. This gives Fizz enough tankiness troughout the game.Fizz does too much dmg make
Rabadon's Deathcap
This is a very ueasily understandable item, It gives you AP and will satisfy all you dmg
Nashor's Tooth
I buy this item mainly for the awesomly high atk speed and cd redcution you get from this since u need to attack at a decent speed to stay in fights. The ap you get from this item is also a nice touch to the item and the mana regen isnt really necessary but who complains?

Fizz Does Too Much Dmg Cost

Lich Bane
What i am looking for in this item is its passive,it's a really good item for since he is somewhat of an autoattacker, and when going burst this is recommended, altough this item can be replaced by a Guardian Angel if you feel your getting focused too much.

Fizz Does Too Much Dmg Work


You will be maxing out Seastone Trident (W) first, Playful/Trickster (E) second, Urchin Strike (Q) last, if you are new with try putting some early points in (E) instead of (W) while levelling Chum the Waters (R) any time the choice is available.
level 1 you just have to stay back away from the creeps coming in and only go forward when you can last hit, I continue this trend until I hit level 3 which it begins . At this point you are pretty much just a beast you can have your way with them, but don't be silly still play smart.
Level 3+ Charge your enemy, activate Seastone Trident (W) as you approach within range for your Urchin Strike (Q), Urchin Strike (Q) to them and do one auto attack and then Playful/Trickster (E) out of there dropping all aggro from minions AND turrets also not allowing for any champion to hit you. This goes much faster and better if you use smart casting.
Level 6+ When you go 1vs1 first use Urchin Strike (Q) then (W) and then ult immediatly after, if they escape with flash ghost etc use you (E), and you should also use it if they are trying to stun you or you just really need that extra damage
Fizz is an extremely strong tower diver, and harasser. Pick away at your opponents with the above trick and finish them off with a last combination of Chum the waters (R), Seastone trident (W), Urchin Strike (Q), Playful/Trickster (E) (if they aren't already dead) make sure if they are running you put it enough ahead of them that they will be hit with the damage from trickster ;) you could also ignite if you need to as well.

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Fizz Does Too Much Dmg Work

Under Construction/ will finish it as soon as i have time