League Of Legends Crit Dmg

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tbh, i think critical dmg runes need a buff.
you need to get over 350 attack damage without anyone damage runes to really see the difference.
the point is crit dmg can be seen as AD per lvl since it works best with a lot of AD.
maximum damage increase with crit dmg runes:
full marks, seals and quints(total 40% crit dmg) give a damage increase of: 15.3% as soon as you have bought your infinity edge.
normal crit dmg: 200% +
lethality 5-10%(5% for ranged, mastery) +
50% from infinity edge.
total: 255-260%
40/255 = 15.7% or 40/260 = 15.4% damage increase on crits (note that the reinforced armor mastery can take away a huge part of this since it is applied after these calculations and thus reduce this amount by about 12%, but this doesnt matter since this is applied to all crits, even the onces without crit dmg runes)
crit dmg cap for ranged champions: 300% (no other passives that increase that on ranged champions)
increased dmg: 17.6%(45/255) more then normal (but you have lost any AD armor or mr from runes so you will see later on that to succesfully use these crit dmg runes you need 400 AD at the least, which simply makes these runes not viable)
crit dmg cap for melee champions: 305% + passive increase (tryndamere)
increased dmg: 17.3%(45/260) more then normal, with tryndamere's passive tho the amount of dmg that is increased on crits gets even lower and thus less usefull.
alright so how does my damage change?
lets say i have 300AD since i want huge crits and i probably need a PD aswell so 300AD is about the max.
300 + 22(full flat AD), 18(flat AD + armor) or 52(full AD per lvl) = 322, 318 or 352 AD
322 * 2.55(ranged) = 821.1 dmg
318 * 2.55(ranged) = 810.9 dmg <- i would recommend to take this since your attacks will be much more deadly in early game, thus allowing you to farm or kill easier.
352 * 2.55(ranged) = 897.6 dmg
300 * 3.00(ranged full crit dmg) = 900 dmg <- i wouldn't recommend this, it just sucks as i show right here below, the glyph's are really inefficient when they are used for crit dmg, the seals are better then AD if you get to 300+ AD.
306.6 * 2.95(when you exchange crit dmg glyphs for AD per lvl) = 904.47
so what we see here is that the total damage increase is about 2 dmg compared to scaling AD and about 78 damage compared to full flat AD, but we still need to take in account that the critchance we have is probably not above 55% (PD + IE) so we are still sacrificing about 45% of that extra damage, making the 78 damage an increase of 43 dmg.
i do not know when the reinforced armor mastery(10% reduced crit dmg) takes place, if it reduces total dmg or the critical dmg the opponent has.
in case 1 you have to further reduce the 43dmg, since 10% of 900 is more then 10% of 810.
note: for gangplank crit dmg runes are more viable since his Q has some base damage and will thus easier get more dmg when having crit dmg runes
conclusion: AD per lvl is more useful as critical dmg runes since it doesn't require you to have any crit chance to gain the bonus effects. AD per lvl doesn't rely on any items, crit dmg does.
if you have seen any flaws in my calculations i would be glad to fix those. any missing parts could be added as well of course.

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League Of Legends Crit Dmg

League Of Legends Crit Dmg Free

Feb 17, 2020  Molten Edge increases Infinity Edge 's stats by 40 Attack Damage. The damage conversion applies on the entire physical damage done by basic attacks or abilities when they critical strike, even if one part of the ability doesn't (e.g Illaoi's Harsh Lesson) or doesn't increase in damage. Outplay, Outthink. Whether you're playing Solo or Co-op with friends, League of Legends is a highly competitive, fast paced action-strategy game designed for those who crave a hard fought victory. Edit: looking at the wiki for some champions you don't really crit with ap dmg as you would with an adc. Like nidalee does base damage with cougar form q but when the target has the mark over their heads the dmg has a crit symbol showing it did more damage then the base of q. Jun 10, 2010  Welcome to the Forum Archive! Years of conversation fill a tonne of digital pages, and we've kept all of it accessible to browse or copy over. Whether you're looking for reveal articles for older champions, or the first time that Rammus rolled into an 'OK'.