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Random Number Generator. The random number generator in World of Tanks works by assigning a random value to the shells damage and penetration value, the fluctuation is +/- 25% so a gun with a 100 ap can end up having a max ap of 125 and the lowest value can be 75, these values are different for each shot, so you can find yourself Ricochet of a weakspot just because of a low roll, damage works. For HE shells, it does not need to penetrate the armor to do damage. If penetration is achieved, it causes full damage according to the Damage value of the ammo. If it did not penetrate, but scored a direct hit, then 50% of the Damage value is applied.

Fan theHammer can be used at any point in McCree's clip, rapid firing however manybullets are left in Peacekeeper's cylinder.While many players believe Fan the Hammer should be used in conjunctionwith a Flashbang, in reality, targets who are susceptible toshould be shot in the head with Peacekeeper'sprimary fire while stunned. How much damage does mccree headshot do. If McCree throws a Flashbang and immediately holdsdown the trigger on Peacekeeper, McCree is capable of dealing 2 headshots tohis opponent before they can react. Additionally, Fan the Hammerhas a lower damage potential (13.5 to 45 damage per shot depending on therange), cannot score, and yields a smallerdamage drop-off range (18-30 meters) when compared to Peacekeeper. Although Fan the Hammer releasesMcCree's shots faster than Peacekeeper (can unload all 6 bullets in.67 seconds), it also significantly lowersaccuracy due to its.

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What is DMG?

Dimethylglycine is a highly unusual supplement, in that it is extremely popular despite the fact that all of its touted effects have largely been refuted by clinical and laboratory testing. It is most widely used as a performance enhancer by athletes, and in dogs and horses that are bred for racing purposes. Specifically, DMG is thought to be able to reduce lactic acid build up that might otherwise contribute to muscle fatigue. There is no immediately obvious reason why DMG should be able to achieve this, given its role in the body as a metabolite of betaine and a source of glycine. Reports of an ability of DMG to enhance athletic performance first appeared in the popular literature in the 1980's. Controlled studies involving treadmill horses, male athletes, and patients prone to lactic acid build up due to a cytochrome oxidase deficiency fail to support these earlier claims. Other common uses of DMG which have been refuted by clinical research include the treatment of autism and idiopathic epilepsy.

'..all of its touted effects have largely been refuted by clinical and laboratory testing.'

DMG is also touted as an immune stimulant, although it has no role in the body that could directly account for this effect. A double blind study in the early 1980's showed increased immune function (both humoral and cell-mediated) in humans following supplementation with DMG. Another study suggested this increased immune response could translate into a protective effect against cancer. A comprehensive study in 1992 failed to demonstrate any immune enhancing properties of DMG in cats.

What is the function of DMG?

DMG is a metabolite of betaine, which is used to help promote the production of methionine from homocysteine. Abnormal homocysteine levels are associated with autism and with coronary artery disease, but DMG does not stimulate reactions that reduce homocysteine, but is a by-product of them. DMG may also eventually be converted into two very vital compounds, phosphatidylserine and glutathione, but a direct effect has not been demonstrated. Indeed, in one study, DMG supplementation actually reduced glutathione levels.

'DMG does appear to function as an antioxidant, and has been shown to have a protective effect against gastric ulceration.'

DMG does appear to function as an antioxidant, and has been shown to have a protective effect against gastric ulceration.

Why recommend the administration of DMG to my pet?

Despite the lack of supportive research, DMG is used to enhance athletic performance in dogs and horses. It may also function as an antioxidant, and be of some benefit in reducing inflammation. DMG may also be recommended for the treatment of immune deficiency disorders, cancer, epilepsy and cognitive disorders, although research support for these uses is lacking.

How much experience is there with the use of DMG in pets?

DMG has been used for over 20 years in humans, racing dogs and horses. While not necessarily clinically effective, DMG is at least extremely well tolerated and very safe, which is not surprising given that it is a metabolite already present in the body. No toxicity has been reported to DMG supplementation. It is important to note that practitioners who use DMG are convinced of its efficacy, and report positive clinical outcomes, despite the lack of research support.

Where do I get DMG and do I need a prescription?

Pet owners are cautioned against buying supplements without knowledge of the manufacturer, as supplements are not highly regulated and some supplements may not contain the labelled amount of ingredients. Your veterinarian may have preferred supplements that he or she will recommend. A prescription is not needed for DMG.

Shedding some light on all the arty hate you may see in the game.

It doesn’t take long for new players to notice the general distaste for SPGs (arty) amongst the World of Tanks community. While the problems with artillery may seem obvious for some, the disdain for arty within World of Tanks should be clarified for newcomers who are unfamiliar with the debate. Let’s discuss some of the reasons for all the arty hate you may run across in the World of Tanks chat, forums, and subreddit.

To understand why players dislike SPGs, one must first understand the how artillery works in the game. At the start of a battle, arty players are expected to sit at the back of their spawn, usually behind cover or within a bush. Their contributions to their team involve launching shells high in the sky in a wide arc across the map, affording them the nickname “sky cancer”.

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SPG cannons have extremely high alpha damage, meaning a well-placed arty shot can easily destroy a heavy tank in one powerful blow. With any luck, their shell will land on the hatch of an unsuspecting enemy and wipe them from existence, or at least inflict some splash damage. This is where the troubles with arty begin.

Unlike most other tanks, arty players can obliterate an enemy tank in a single shot without the enemy even knowing they are being targeted. Players must simply assume that arty can drop a shell on their hatch at any given time, with no real way to defend themselves other than to just maneuver carefully with the hope of getting across the map undetected.

This diminishes the importance of good positioning and essentially leads to more camping (which is also generally frowned upon). Many players feel that it's not a balanced fight, as the arty player has the advantage of not getting shot in return, at least in this scenario. SPGs are usually among the last tanks standing near the end of a match, as they are never directly in harm’s way until then.

Another reason for much of the arty hate online is due to the way that players choose to play this tank class. In general, SPG players are expected to not only keep an eye out for enemies who pose a direct threat to their teammates, but to also respond to their teammates when they request fire at enemies through map pings. However, many arty players seem to ignore these habits, opting to simply shoot at the closest or easiest-to-hit targets instead, regardless of whether it benefits their team.

Truthfully, we’ve all succumbed to the desire to pad our stats in World of Tanks every now and again. The problem with arty doing this, however, has to do with their overall capabilities and impact during battle.

Arty is often considered to be one of the easiest tank types to play, and many believe that success as an arty comes down to luck rather than skill. Most of their mechanics involve lots of clicking and hoping for good RNG. In most cases, arty won't even need to leave the back of their spawn. Meanwhile, players in all other tank types must consider a number of other factors when encountering enemies on the battlefield, from armor penetration and camouflage to angling and side-scraping, which requires a much wider breadth of knowledge regarding game physics and tank stats.

SPGs typically have much longer reload times than most tanks due to their use of HE shells, which means they will fire at opponents significantly less often than their teammates during a match. Since their HE shots have the capability of deleting a nearly full-HP enemy with a single shell, it’s best to reserve these powerful shots for the most dangerous opponents, such as a scout flanking behind the team, or multiple heavies pressuring a choke point. Arty players that squander their shots on easy kills are effectively hurting their team.

The issues surrounding artillery have been the subject of ongoing debates within the World of Tanks community for quite some time. There are many ways to approach dealing with SPGs in the game. Players have suggested reserving arty for Strongholds and Clan Battles, while others have requested removing artillery from the game altogether. With the new changes coming to World of Tanks in a future update, players should expect changes to arty matchmaking at the very least.

While arty may still have a positive role to play within the World of Tanks meta, it’s still arguably the most hated tank type among the player base. Hopefully some of the huge changes coming in the next major update will address and alleviate the issues that players have with SPGs in World of Tanks so we can all hate arty a little bit less.

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