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Flash Builder 4.7を使用しています。
ASC 2.0用のAIR SDKを最新の3.5.0.880に更新したいのですが、手順が分かりません。
現在はひとつ前のバージョンAIR SDK with ASC 2.0(Cleative CloudのGame SDKに含まれてたもの)を以下のディレクトリにある古いものと置き換え済みです。
C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)eclipsepluginscom.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722AIRSDK
いずれAIR SDK with ASC 2.0が公開されてダウンロードできるようになるのか、
AIR SDK with ASC 2.0に通常のAIR SDKを手動でマージするなどしてやるのか、
ヘルプにあるようにFlash Builder 4.7の更新を待つしかないのか 、

Detection of the AIR patch has now been fixed and my SR closed.
Jim Koerner
'Jim Koerner' wrote in message
news:UXTIs.3060$[email protected].
My SR got kicked up the line and they are now working with Adobe to sort it
Did notice the detection of Adobe APSB13-01 AIR for Windows
(Update) (All Languages) that just come out the other day is correct.
Jim Koerner
'Brad Johnson' wrote in message
news:2a7Hs.2611$[email protected].
Thank you for posting this. I also have an SR open on this. So far I
haven't heard anything back.
Brad Johnson
'Jim Koerner' <[email protected]> wrote in message
news:5cYGs.2560$[email protected].
> Did a SR on this patch and got notified it is a known issue more details
> to follow.
> Jim
> 'Jim Koerner' wrote in message
> news:djVGs.2542$[email protected].
> I noticed the Adobe 'APSB12-27 AIR for Windows (Update) (All
> Languages)' patch is showing up on every single device. Maybe 5% of them
> are legit. Most detections you can tell what is being checked but Adobe
> detections seem to be based on running a script so you can't tell what it
> is
> looking for. Previous AIR updates are detected correctly(3 or 4
> devices).
> Anyone else seeing this with the update?
> Filename : [Adobe APSB12-27 AIR for Windows (Update) (All
> Languages).pls]
> OS Platform : [Microsoft Windows 7 Professional x64]
> Library Build : [5.2.2][Sep 25 2012 16:01:07]
> Finished Importing
> Detecting
> Running Script Fingerprint: [Applicable-01]
> Script returned [0]
> PreRequisite Patches: detection result changed to NOT_PATCHED (always)
> Finished Detecting
> Running Script Fingerprint: [Applicable-01]
> Script returned [0]
> PreRequisite Patches: detection result changed to NOT_PATCHED (always)
> Jim Koerner
> Server - ZCM 11.2.2 w/MU1 and Internal Database on Win2008R2x64
> Client - ZCM 11.2.2 w/MU1 on Win7SP1x64

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  • Today, the AIR 3.5 Runtimes and SDK's were updated to address stability and performance issues, in particular the following problems have been addressed:
    Video playback broken on Digital Theater AIR app (3364478)
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    New Feature:
    We have added a new Android-specific xml element <containsVideo> in the application.xml. If an app uses Video, then the app is expected to add <containsVideo>true</containsVideo> in the application.xml as an indication to the runtime. This is necessary to maintain correct ordering of video with other Flash content across different Android OS versions.
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    For full details on the 3.5 release, please see our release notes.

    Why is it impossible to find the IOS sdk 6.0 on adobe site or any related forum ? i searched everywhere the only place i found it was on developer apple in a DMG i needed to uncompress to see that it was in a format not reable by windows. as i understand the only way to get it is by installing xcode on a mac and copying it from here. Why adobe not giving it ? or updating the 3.4 sdk with 6.0 in it ?
    I mean.. with air 3.4 you can use platformsdk. and you can use it on windows!! BUT NOBODY GIVE THE SDK!! Go on google and i dare you to find sdk 6.0 in a format readable for windows!
    anyway i used the beta 3.5 for now i just found that sad that the support for such a obvious request isn't met.

  • Now the latest AIRSDK web page has a small link at the bottom for Flex users and it states that Flex users should take the SDK version without the compiler. BUT..
    the page says to download the SDK from
    but this page now redirects to:
    which contains a large list of archived SDK's. So that help page never really says which version of the SDK to use - with or without the compiler. But other forum posts have implied its suppose to be the one with the compiler.
    Now since we're overlaying the ..pluginscom.adobe.flash.compiler_4.7.0.349722AIRSDK folder that would make sense.
    But now there's a second overlay instructions page at:
    with different instructions.
    So my questions are:
    Which overlay instructions are we really suppose to use?
    Which version of the AIR SDK (with or with-out compiler) are we suppose to use?
    What does the Flex Library Project properties -> Flex Library Compiler -> 'Include Adobe AIR libraries' checkbox really do?
    If I've followed the (first) overlay instructions above, does this checkbox now mean I'm using the overlaid AIR SDK 3.6
    with the current Flex SDK I've chosen?
    What if I'm using the Apache Flex 4.9.1 SDK? Will the AIR SDK 3.6 overlay that?
    (Doesn't Apache Flex have AIR 3.4 embedded - will this confuse Flash Builder 4.7 ?)
    Is it just me, or is this just getting more and more confusing? Can we perhaps get a AIR SDK combo box to go beside the Flex combo box and when we check the 'Include Adobe AIR libraries' then we can select the AIR SDK we want? And get a 'configure AIR SDKs..' link too? Then perhaps we can get completely away from overlays and all this merged SDK nonsense. I've had nothing but problems with it.
    The real reason I need all this info is because I'm trying to use Flash Builder 4.7 to build an Android ANE and I'm having a devil of a time just trying to find my resources. When I use context.getResourceID() I'm not getting the correct resources - and after reviewing other posts here I came to the conclusion that it might be due to bugs in older AIR SDK's. So really, at the moment I could care less about the latest Flex SDK, I just need to know I'm working from the latest AIR SDK.
    Thanks in advance.

    If you are not using Flash Builder go here:
    At the bottom it says:
    Note : Flex users will need to download the original AIR SDK without the new compiler. Mac Windows.
    Download the proper one for your OS and then extract it over your existing Flex SDK directory.
    EDIT: Just read your post again and noticed you mentioned Flash Builder. In that case you want to follow these directions: and grab the version with the compiler at

  • Adobe AIR Beta Channel Update
    This beta release provides access to the latest AIR runtime and SDK (with compiler) for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android.
    Below are some of the key features and benefits of AIR 3.9. Please see our release notes for full details.
    Notable Fixes and Enhancements:
    3584066: [Desktop][Webkit][API][External] Add a property to StageWebView to switch between the Native engine and the embedded WebKit engine from AIR 3.5 and prior
    By popular demand, we'd modified the StageWebView API to add a parameter allowing the developer to switch between the system and built in webkit engines. By default, this parameter is false. Please see below for additional details.
    StageWebView (useNative:Boolean)
    The object is invisible until it is attached to a stage and until the viewPort is set.
    Note: Although it is not prohibited, with some content, failures can occur when the same process uses both the embedded and the system WebKit, so it is recommended that all StageWebViews in a given application be constructed with the same value for useNative. In addition, as HTMLLoader depends on the embedded WebKit, applications using HTMLLoader should only construct StageWebViews with useNative set to false.
    @param useNative - When useNative is false, a version of WebKit embedded within AIR is used as the source of the StageWebView created. When useNative is true, then AIR will use the system's default web engine. Mobile platforms only support using the system web engine, so useNative is ignored on mobile platforms.
    Known Issues:
    3616999: [iOS7] On changing AudioPlayback mode from Media to voice dialog comes up asking permission for accessing Microphone.
    3616981: [iOS] Sound gets stop on clicking Power button even when UIBackground tag value set to Audio in application.xml
    About the Beta Channel
    If you would like real-time notification for announcements related to the AIR Beta Channel, please subscribe to our Twitter feed @FlashPlayerBeta, or follow the Flash Runtime Announcements forums by choosing 'Follow this forum' from the right-hand menu on the Forums page.
    You can find instructions for getting started with this release here: AIR Labs Page
    We encourage you to let us know what you think on our AIR Labs Forum

    1. It works fine in AIR 3.6, 3.7 and 3.8.
    2. Yes, see code below.
    3. I'm testing on a 15-inch Retina MacBook Pro running OS X 10.8.5.
    Test code:
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    import flash.display.StageAlign;
    import flash.display.StageScaleMode;
    import flash.geom.Rectangle;
    [SWF(width='800', height='800')]
    public class StageWebViewExample extends Sprite
    private var webView:StageWebView = new StageWebView();
    public function StageWebViewExample()
    webView.stage = this.stage;
    webView.viewPort = new Rectangle(0, 0, stage.stageWidth, stage.stageHeight);
    stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;
    stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE;

  • Hi !
    I'd like to play with AIR 2.0 beta, but I'm having serious troubles installing the SDK. I download the latest Flex SDK and AIR's, but I can't merge these folders using tar command because I'm using MacOS X, and the SDK is a dmg file. I also tried FileMerge app to merge my folder, but it didn't replaced existing files. I finally tried to merge them file by file, but Flash Builder tell me my resulting folder does not contain any Flex SDK.
    I'm about to shot myself, do you have a solution ? How do you merge these 2 sdk?

    I used ditto on Mac. I would make a backup copy of the Flex SDK first.
    Then use ditto to update the SDK with AIR SDK.

  • Is it possible to overlay AIR 3 sdk with flex 3.3 sdk without expecting errors?
    Any help, as always, would really be appreciated?..

    You may get some errors:
    If the Flex SDK is newer than the AIR SDK, it can rely on AIR functionality that isn't present, resulting in compile-time or runtime errors.

  • The beta 1 release provides access to the AIR 3.4 runtime and SDK for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android. The key features and benefits of AIR 3.4 are:
    iOS 5.1 SDK Support — Build your AIR on iOS applications by default with iOS 5.1 SDK (without using the --platformsdk switch) and leverage the enhancements available in iOS 5.1 SDK.
    Exception Support in Native Extensions for iOS — A native extension for iOS can now use both C++ and Objective-C exceptions.
    iOS Push Notifications — This feature will use APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) and a provider (third-party server which will communicate with the APN) to generate notifications.
    AIR direct deployment (without iTunes) — Deploy an AIR application on iOS devices without having to use iTunes or the iPhone configuration utility.
    You can find instructions for getting started with this release here: AIR 3.4 Labs Page
    We encourage you to let us know what you think over on our AIR 3.4 Labs Forum

    Excellent, glad you were able to get this to work! Had you tried right clicking the installer and doing a 'run as administrator'?

  • The beta 3 release provides access to the AIR 3.3 runtime and SDK for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android. The key features and benefits of AIR 3.3 are:
    USB debugging for AIR iOS — This new feature allows the iOS developer to connect to the desktop via USB while debugging their mobile applications instead of relying on network connectivity.
    Enhanced Background behavior for AIR iOS — Background support now more closely resembles native applications in iOS. In addition to some basic multitasking and background audio support that is already enabled with AIR for iOS, applications may now support location updates and networking in the background, as well as being notified when a background app is about to be suspended by the operating system.
    Stylus support for Android 4.0 — Stylus support in Flash takes advantage of the new-in-4.0 Android Stylus API, so that stylus-aware apps work automatically with any devices supporting the Android API set.
    Simulator Support (Mac) — With the enhanced simulator support a developer can now package and run an application on iOS simulator using ADT commands. This feature allows an iOS developer to develop and run an application without needing an actual set of devices by using the iOS simulator using Xcode.
    Aspect Ratio Enhancements — With AIR 3.3 the issue with the runtime ignoring the specified aspect ratio has been resolved. In this release we address this use-case by allowing only screen orientation corresponding to app specified aspectRatio and orientation corresponding to 180 degree device rotation from the specified aspectRatio.
    Improved Mac App Store Support — Added support to ensure Mac AIR apps adhere to Apple guidelines and can be submitted to the Mac App store successfully.
    You can find instructions for getting started with this release here: AIR 3.3 Labs Page
    We encourage you to let us know what you think over on our AIR 3.3 Labs Forum

  • The beta release provides access to the AIR 3.5 runtime and SDK for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android.
    The primary goals of this release are bug fixing, adding Jellybean support, and iOS app enhancements.
    Below are some of the key features and benefits of AIR 3.5:
    Debug stack trace in release builds of Flash Player — This feature enables developers to display stack trace info in release and debug builds.
    Packaging Multiple Binaries — This feature enables developers to include third party static libraries and frameworks and package these with ANE.
    Shared ByteArray support for ActionScript Workers — This feature enables developers to share memory between multiple workers.
    Packaging and loading multiple SWFs on iOS — This feature will allow developers to load multiple swfs, that contain ActionScript bytecode on iOS .
    You can find instructions for getting started with this release here: AIR 3.5 Labs Page
    We encourage you to let us know what you think over on our AIR 3.5 Labs Forum

  • Today we're pleased to announce that the next version of AIR is available for immediate download. This update includes the following new features and improvements:
    New Features:
    Mobile Workers (concurrency) BETA - Android
    Our hugely popular desktop feature, AIR Workers, is now making its debut on mobile! We have added support on Android devices so that you will be able to execute code in the background without interrupting your application’s main code. Your UI will remain responsive, enhancing the user experience. We haven’t forgotten about iOS! Look for news on iOS workers in an upcoming release (NOTE: this feature will undergo an extended beta period.)
    AIR Mobile Support for Background Execution in “Direct” Render Mode
    AIR now supports background execution on iOS and Android when render mode is set to “direct”. This will allow your applications to perform tasks such as audio playback even when invisible to the user. Due to power and CPU considerations, we recommend reviewing our release notes for additional details and guidance.
    In the past AIR on iOS and Android did not support background execution when render mode direct was set. Due to this restriction, Stage3D based apps were not able to execute background tasks like audio playback, location updates, network upload/download etc. iOS does not allow OpenGLES/rendering calls in the background. Applications which attempt to make OpenGL calls in the background are terminated by the iOS. Android does not restrict applications from either making OpenGLES in the background or other background task(like audio playback).
    With this feature, we will now allow AIR mobile apps to execute in background when renderMode direct is set. AIR iOS runtime will throw an error if OpenGLES calls are made in background. However no error will be thrown on Android, as Android native apps are allowed to make OpenGLES calls in the background. It's recommended to not make rendering calls while your app is executing in the background as its important to utilize the mobile resources judicially. The following is a list of Stage APIs which may throw the error 3768 - The Stage3D API may not be used during background execution. The swf version should be 22 and above.
    AIR Support for iOS7
    iOS7 has launched and we are making sure that AIR is compatible and performs as expected.
    AIR Mac OS 10.9 Support
    We have tested against the latest developer releases of OS X 10.9 and are making sure that your applications support the latest technologies such as “App Nap”.
    AIR XXHDPI (144 x 144) Icon Support for Android
    With this feature we have added support for beautiful, high resolution icons on devices such as the Nexus 10.
    Notable bug fixes:
    [3650590] [OSX] - App Updater Crashes on MacOS with Air 3.9
    [3648442] [iOS7] - Leftmost part of the text in spark TextArea and stageText get clipped when mulitline property is true.
    [3640207] [Android] [Captive Application] - orientationChange event handler fetches wrong stage.orientation values.
    Known Issues:
    [3616981] [iOS] - Sound gets stop on clicking Power button even when UIBackground tag value set to Audio in application.xml
    For further information please see our release notes.
    Download Locations:
    AIR runtime for Windows: 3.9 Runtime Download
    AIR runtime for Macintosh: 3.9 Runtime Download
    AIR SDK & Compiler for Windows: 3.9 SDK & Compiler Download
    AIR SDK & Compiler for Macintosh: 3.9 SDK & Compiler Download
    Note: To provide all the all the necessary tools for our developers in one place and avoid having to download multiple components, we are packaging Adobe AIR 3.9 SDK and ActionScript Compiler 2.0 in a single SDK called “Adobe AIR 3.9 SDK & Compiler”.
    AIR SDK (Compatible with Flex) for Windows: 3.9 SDK Windows Download
    AIR SDK (Compatible with Flex) for Macintosh: 3.9 SDK Macintosh Download
    Previous versions of the AIR runtime and SDK can be found on the Archived AIR SDK and Runtimes page

  • Today we are excited to announce the availability of the released version of AIR 3.8 and encourage you to download, use, and provide us feedback.
    This update includes the following new features and changes:
    Notable bug fixes:
    SWF content loaded with the HTML/HtmlLoader components fail to receive proper user input (3603433)
    For further information please see our release notes.
    Download Locations:
    AIR runtime for Windows: 3.8 Runtime Download
    AIR runtime for Macintosh: 3.8 Runtime Download
    AIR SDK & Compiler for Windows: 3.8 SDK & Compiler Download
    AIR SDK & Compiler for Macintosh: 3.8 SDK & Compiler Download
    Note: To provide all the all the necessary tools for our developers in one place and avoid having to download multiple components, we are packaging Adobe AIR 3.8 SDK and ActionScript Compiler 2.0 in a single SDK called “Adobe AIR 3.8 SDK & Compiler”.
    AIR SDK (Compatible with Flex) for Windows: 3.8 SDK Windows Download
    AIR SDK (Compatible with Flex) for Macintosh: 3.8 SDK Macintosh Download
    Previous versions of the AIR runtime and SDK can be found on the Archived AIR SDK and Runtimes page

  • Today we are excited to announce that AIR is available for immediate download. This update includes multiple stability fixes for both the runtime and SDK.
    Notable bug fixes:
    3587773 - [External bug][iOS]Creating too many FileStream objects will cause app to crash on iOS
    3613819 - [iOS7] - Using app asks permission for accessing the Microphone even when microphone API is not used in the app
    3587452 - [Android] - 144x144 image size icon should be supported on android
    3606308 - [Android][SecureSocket] - Application getting crash when trying to connect with host contains SSL certificate.
    3077653 - [iOS] - Creating too many FileStream objects will cause app to crash on iOS.
    3560721 - [iOS] - Application crashes having Microphone running for 10 to 20 mins
    3572885 - [Android] - 'orienationChange' event is not fired when Stage rotated through setOrientation() method
    3554585 - [Android] - Stage is blank in GPU mode because of rotationY property
    Multiple stability and security fixes
    For further information please see our release notes.
    Download Locations:
    AIR runtime for Windows: 3.8 Runtime Download
    AIR runtime for Macintosh: 3.8 Runtime Download
    AIR SDK & Compiler for Windows: 3.8 SDK & Compiler Download
    AIR SDK & Compiler for Macintosh: 3.8 SDK & Compiler Download
    Note: To provide all the all the necessary tools for our developers in one place and avoid having to download multiple components, we are packaging Adobe AIR 3.8 SDK and ActionScript Compiler 2.0 in a single SDK called “Adobe AIR 3.8 SDK & Compiler”.
    AIR SDK (Compatible with Flex) for Windows: 3.8 SDK Windows Download
    AIR SDK (Compatible with Flex) for Macintosh: 3.8 SDK Macintosh Download
    Previous versions of the AIR runtime and SDK can be found on the Archived AIR SDK and Runtimes page

  • The beta 2 release provides access to the AIR 3.4 runtime and SDK for Windows, Mac OS, iOS and Android. The key features and benefits of AIR 3.4 are:
    iOS 5.1 SDK Support — Build your AIR on iOS applications by default with iOS 5.1 SDK (without using the --platformsdk switch) and leverage the enhancements available in iOS 5.1 SDK.
    Exception Support in Native Extensions for iOS — A native extension for iOS can now use both C++ and Objective-C exceptions.
    iOS Push Notifications — This feature will use APNS (Apple Push Notification Service) and a provider (third-party server which will communicate with the APN) to generate notifications.
    AIR direct deployment (without iTunes) — Deploy an AIR application on iOS devices without having to use iTunes or the iPhone configuration utility.
    You can find instructions for getting started with this release here: AIR 3.4 Labs Page
    We encourage you to let us know what you think over on our AIR 3.4 Labs Forum

  • Today we are excited to announce the availability of the released version of AIR 3.8 and encourage you to download, use, and provide us feedback.
    This update includes the following new features and changes:
    4096x4096 texture support – With this feature, a new profile, BASELINE_EXTENDED is introduced in the class flash.display3D.Context3DProfile, which will support a maximum texture size of 4096X4096.
    Rectangle Texture Support – Rectangle Textures are now supported in BASELINE as well as BASELINE_EXTENDED profile. The texture formats supported for Rectangle Textures are BGRA, BGR_PACKED and BGRA_PACKED. Details for usage can be found in the language reference.
    LZMA Support – On iOS and Android, LZMA compressed swfs can now be packaged and are supported.
    ServerSocket – ServerSocket APIs are now supported on iOS and Android.
    DatagramSocket – DatagramSockets APIs are now supported on iOS and Android.
    Notable bug fixes:
    Touch events extremely slow on AIR with Stage3D(3536911)
    [Android only-> GPU] Stage is blank in GPU mode because of rotationY property(3554585)
    [Android] [Screen Orientation] 'orientationChange' event is not fired when Stage rotated through setOrientation() method(3572885)
    [iPhone only] Application crashes when the Microphone is on for 10 to 20 mins(3560721)
    [Screen Orientation][Android] Application rotates even if tag is set to 'false' and tag is set to 'any'(3562132)
    StageWebView.drawViewPortToBitmapData draws incorrect bitmap on retina devices(3558603)
    Support PIE enabled Apps on iOS - Apple now encourages developers to have the PIE enabled binaries - A warning is shared when app is uploaded on Apple App Store(3556281)
    For further information please see our release notes.
    Download Locations:
    AIR runtime for Windows: 3.8 Runtime Download
    AIR runtime for Macintosh: 3.8 Runtime Download
    AIR SDK & Compiler for Windows: 3.8 SDK & Compiler Download
    AIR SDK & Compiler for Macintosh: 3.8 SDK & Compiler Download
    Note: To provide all the all the necessary tools for our developers in one place and avoid having to download multiple components, we are packaging Adobe AIR 3.8 SDK and ActionScript Compiler 2.0 in a single SDK called “Adobe AIR 3.8 SDK & Compiler”.
    AIR SDK (Compatible with Flex) for Windows: 3.8 SDK Windows Download
    AIR SDK (Compatible with Flex) for Macintosh: 3.8 SDK Macintosh Download
    Previous versions of the AIR runtime and SDK can be found on the Archived AIR SDK and Runtimes page

  • Today, the AIR 3.3 Runtimes and SDKs were updated to address the following problems:
    Audio issues
    iOS 6 GPU mode
    iOS native extension issues
    Out of memory conditions that can occur with ADT
    AIR Runtime for Windows and Macintosh
    AIR SDK for Windows and Macintosh
    For full details on the 3.3 release, please see our release notes.

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