Eso What's A Dgood Dmg Class

What’s wrong with the idea of teleporting a weapon into someone’s body? Well, first of all, here’s what’s right with it: The description of the Teleport spell indicates that the variables over which the spell caster has control are the destination and (indirectly) the probability of arriving precisely upon the sur. Feb 26, 2018  Nightblades have the highest ceiling on damage, but you have to be really good at light attack weaving. Most classes are within a couple of thousand dps of each other, play what you like.

  1. Eso What's A Good Dmg Class 1
  2. Eso What's A Good Dmg Class 7


Race: Bosmer (Wood Elf)

Hey i have ESO a long time in my steam library but hvn't really played it due to world of warcraft and other games. Now i quit those for good, im interested in starting ESO. I consider myself an above average player, so i do wish to compete with the top in pvp and pve. Is there in the current meta a class thats considered the 'highest dps' in PvE? Stamina Templar offers very good group utility making it a very reasonable choice even with better DPS classes around Our recommended build: Stamina Templar PvE DPS. Bad Tier #10 Magicka Warden - at the current state, you shouldn't even consider picking Magicka Warden as a DPS class. Getting this class to do real DPS in Trials and Dungeons is just a waste of time and effort. Sorcerer NB DK Templar. Though sorcerer dps is entirely reliant on having overload, without it theyre pretty much on par with templars. Which is why for the new trials with longer boss fights, im banking on magicka nightblades being the new top dps.

Main Role: Damage

Health, Magicka, Stamina



Bar 1

Weapon 1: Bow

Fighters Guild Skill

Camouflaged Hunter

Templar Skill

Reflective Light

Bow Skill

Endless Hail

Bow Skill

Acid Spray

Bow Skill

Venom Arrow

Bow Skill

Toxic Barrage

Bar 2

Weapon 2: One Handed And Shield

Templar Skill

Explosive Charge

Templar Skill

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Biting Jabs

Templar Skill

Honor The Dead

Templar Skill

Radiant Ward

One Hand And Shield Skill

Pierce Armor

Fighters Guild Skill

Dawnbreaker of Smiting

Armor Types

Light ArmorMedium ArmorHeavy Armor

Gear and Item Set Info

This build uses a bow, and one hand-shield. These are all crafted in Twilight's Embrace. This grants bonus to health, spell crit, and spell damage, when two other peices of armor are so crafted as well. The bow's trait is sharpened for increased dmg penetration, and enchanted with poision to take advantage of the champion perk Mighty. The sword is crafted likewise with sharpened and poison enchant. The shield is crafted with reinforced for extra protection, and enchanted with max magicka.

Armor is all heavy. Two are crafted in Twilight's Embrace, the other five in Armor of the Seducer. This gives two bonuses to mag recovery and one to max mag, and magicka cost reduction. All peices are crafted with divines, for weapon crit bonus from the Thief, save the chest. This is crafted in reinforced to boost survival. Try to keep the enchanments as equally balanced as possible while experimenting, until deciding on what's lacking the most.

Necklace and rings are of Wilderqueen's Arch, for weapon crit and stamina recovery.

General Info

This is a multi-classing build meant for solo pve. Multi-classing of course means that some areas are going to suffer. This build relies on both weapon and some spell damage, and draws rapidly from both magicka and stamina pools. Wearing heavy armor greatly benefits your survival, and allows the regeneration of both these pools equally. By putting points into Constitution, you increase your health regen, and recover mag and stam every four seconds while taking damage. Rapid Mending is terrific for your healing ability. You will receive an additional 8% healing, as well as recover more stamina from your heavy attacks. Balanced Warrior perk in Aedric spear will increase weapon dmg by 6% and negate some incoming spell dmg. Restoring spirit perk will reduce the magicka, stamina and ultimate costs of all abilities by 4%. Being a wood elf, we get 21% stamina recovery, 6% max stamina and 10% dmg bonus to stealth attacks.

This build starts at a distance with the bow, using a sneak heavy attack followed by venom arrow. With Camo Hunter on this bar, we gain major savagery, increasing weapon crit rating. If a crit is delivered from crouch, we then gain minor berserk, increasing all damage done by 8% for six seconds. Reflective light will strike up to three other enemies, applying a flame DOT. When using this ability, you will regain ultimate, if you took the perk Prism, grant 5% bonus to spell dmg for you and allies with the Illuminate perk, and the ability itself grants major prophecy, increasing spell crit. Then apply acid spray to damage all enemies, then an endless hail. Most targets are now suffering a flame DOT, two separate poison DOTs, an AOE-DOT, and -80% movement speed. If you are taking damage by archers or sorcerers and have the Wrath perk in heavy armor, your damage is increasing by ten points and will stack up to twenty times, every time you are struck. A good way to get the most out of this perk, is to go to close combat.

Run in with Explosive charge, this strikes all enemies and interrupts all those who are casting. Then cast Radiant Ward while in the thick of them. It deals minor AOE dmg and increases the shield's strength by 6% per enemy hit. The ward scales off your max health. Apply a peirce armor to the nearest enemy with the highest health to lower its resistance, circle the throng and spam Bitting Jabs. This delivers four strikes in rapid succession, the nearest enemy taking 140% additional dmg and -70% movement speed. This and the charge can proc the burning light passive, which will provide an extra bonus to dmg at a 25% chance, every 0.5 seconds. Weave in heavy attacks if necessary to recover stamina, heal if you need it, keep the ward up. Save your magicka! Ward only when you know you won't be blocking for a time, and heal only when under 75% health. Honor the dead will refund some of the cost if you meet that requirement, over eight seconds.

If the foes are persistent and live still, use Dawnbreaker to dmg, knock down, and apply a DOT. Retreat, recover, use the bow, go in again.

For bosses, the rotation is still relatively the same. Do everything with the bow, charge, apply the peirce armor, switch back to bow, roll away taking advantage of haste perk, and unleash oblivion with Toxic Barrage. Massive dmg over 4.1 seconds, and poison DOT half the dmg over eight seconds. Boss has little to no armor, to negate the damage. Sit back, and watch his health bar drop rapidly!

The main draw backs with this build, are using both resource pools, lack of magicka recovery, and less than ideal survivability. But, manage your skills well, only use magic when you have to, and retreat with haste when overwhelmed, and you will find an adequate balance.

In place of Dawnbreaker, you can run Crescent Sweep. The damage is comparable, but I prefer to not have to remain close to my foes to get the full effect from the lingering DOT. And the knock down is nice to get a chance to recover, this has saved my life many times.

Champion Point Tips

Thief: Warlord, Tenacity, Arcanist, Mooncalf, Tumbling.

Eso What's A Good Dmg Class 1

Mage: Elf-born, Spell Erosion, PWE, MAA, Mighty, Peircing, Precise Strikes.

Warrior: Ironclad, Spell Shield, Hardy, Elemental Defender, Bastion, Quick Recovery, HAF.

Build Rating

Rating: 3.7. From 7 votes.

Welcome to our Normal The Banished Cells Guide!

Eso What's A Good Dmg Class 7

Table of Contents

  • Cell Haunter
  • Shadowrend
  • Angata the Clanfear Handler
  • Skeletal Destroyer
  • High Kinlord Rilis

Why Run Normal The Banished Cells?

One of the best reasons to run the Normal Version of The Banished Cells is that it is an amazing way to level up your Undaunted skill or because it is apart of the current Undaunted Daily giving you the chance to get a Monster Shoulder. Furthermore the one time quest grants a skill point and it is always worth running content for skill points.

Where to go?


Just like all normal dungeons the mobs and bosses aren’t mechanic heavy or in other terms easily burnable. It is easily possible to run this dungeon with four dps players however if you are new to dungeons I’d recommend running with a proper group, one tanks, one healer, and two dps, just to get the hang of the dungeon.

Location of Bosses

Hit Points: 990580 (at CP 160)


  • Banished Sentinel: 90803 HP (at CP 160)
  • Banished Solider: 82548 HP (at CP 160)


This boss is right before you get to the First Keeper and you’ll notice he has two adds aiding him, a Banished Sentinel and a Banished Solider. When starting out this fight kill the adds first before you focus on the boss. The boss uses three moves in total. The most common attack is the single target ice spell that applies chill that he uses, it doesn’t hit too hard so this isn’t much of a worry. Next off is the direction aoe frost line ability. Make sure that your tanks or healers interrupt the boss from using it because it is very possible that it can one shot your dps’s. Finally the boss uses an attack acts sort of like a soul harvest that targets the party. It is a fairly hard hitting ability and your healer will need to be able to heal through it. Overall this boss is fairly easy to burn down and you shouldn’t have any problems taking it down.

Hit Points: 1320773 (at CP 160)


  • Shadow Proxy: 33019 HP (at CP 160)


After you fight the Cell Haunter you’ll move through the dungeon and come up to a large room. Once you enter this room a large group of Banished Sentinels, Soliders, Archers and Mages will spawn. You’ll need to kill them before you can move on through the fight. After all the mob has been defeated move to the north part of the room and press the button on the wall, this will summon a mob of Banekins. Burn them down as usual and after they have been defeated move to the east wall where there is another button. This button will spawn Shadowrend in the middle of the room, however once the button is pressed, Shadowrend is immediately aggro’ed so get ready for the fight. The first ability to note from Shadowrend is the aoe that follows him around at its feet. This ability will do aoe damage so you’ll want your tank to be inside of his having the healer heal him through it and then the dps should stand outside of it. Furthermore, after the fight progresses the boss will do the usual Clanfear tail swipe, this ability should be easily blocked by the tank. Finally after awhile the boss will stop to summon a Shadow Proxy which is a mini version of Shadowrend, however this its low HP it is easy to kill and time will hardly be lost on the boss. This is a wash-rinse-and repeat boss and shouldn’t be hard to tackle.

Hit Points: 369816 (at CP 160)


  • 3 Banished Mage: 55133 HP (at CP 160)
  • 3 Banished Royal Solider: 82548 HP (at CP 160)
  • Clanfear: 49568 HP (at CP 160)


This boss is located in the room with the Second Keeper. At first when starting this fight you’ll want to burn down all the adds first so that you can focus on the boss without trouble. This boss is an incredibly simple boss. In total she has three abilities, a fire line very much like the frost line from the Cell Haunter, however it doesn’t hit as much. Next she’ll throw out two fire aoes that can easily be avoided and they don’t hit hard at all and finally is just a basic single target fire attack that again, doesn’t hit that hard. Overall this boss is an extremely fast kill and will not cause any problems for a group to kill.

Hit Points: 924541 (at CP 160)

Eso What


  • 4 Scamps: 56133 HP (at CP 160)
  • Skeletons: 17000 HP (at CP 160)


This boss is located at the end of the hall in the second to last largest room in the dungeon. In the room is the boss and four scamps. The first thing as usual is to kill the adds before starting to fight the boss, note the tank should hold aggro on the boss. This boss is a fairly easy group boss to manage. The first ability of note is the boss will stomp on the group spawning a large purple aoe at his feet. The dps need to make sure that they are not in the radius of this ability, despite its low damage. Finally the boss will spawn three skeletons that are extremely weak and easy to kill. It is easy enough to tank this boss in one spot so that the dps will have an easy time to burn it down.

Hit Points: 1056619 (at CP 160)


This boss is probably the hardest in the dungeon, but fear not it is easily manageable. Before the boss spawns in the room there is a mob that needs to be cleared out. Then when High Kinlord Rilis spawns the tank will want to pull him away from the platform that he spawns from. The boss utilizes five main abilities, first off is a charged up uppercut like ability that will knockback the player if they aren’t blocking. Next the boss will fire a blue ball at the player that will knock them down and isn’t cc breakable, it does decent damage but with a healer it is easily mitigated. Then High Kinlord Rilis will raise up his sword and cast down a large fire aoe at the player’s feat, it hardly does damage but you’ll not want to stand in it cause the damage over time will stack up. Finally he will spawn an orb from his spawning platform and will heal High Kinlord Rilis if they come in contact with him, this is why you need to pull the boss away from where he spawns and you’ll need to kill the orbs before they reach him.