Fortnite 100 Dmg Is Actually O9


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Mar 01, 2013  Introduction In this topic, I’d like to shed some light on the DPS vs Damage (Dmg) mechanics. For this, I went out to find the highest DPS build and compared it to the highest Dmg build, in terms of skill Dmg. I hope this will help understand some people what stats to focus on when making a Sorcerer. I’m looking at it from a PvE perspective in this discussion.

While you twiddle your thumbs wondering when Fortnite Mobile is coming out, there's no reason not to jump back into some 100-player Battle Royale matches on PC or console - especially since new weapons have arrived! The smoke bomb has now been replaced with remote explosive C4 units that can be thrown at a distance and then safely detonated while you hide out of sight. Aug 23, 2018 This also appears to be the best damage/shot setup and the result actually doesn’t seem to change even if you aren’t using UAH. However at.64% headshot accuracy., the setup HS/RLD/ELEMENT/DMG/HS with MGR in support beats the crit setup. I don’t really recommend going headshot personally though so:/. Dmg fortnite Fortnite marshmello figurine Explore our fortnite update v4 5 3d models list fortnite teaser season 7 download and fortnite aimbot 2018 print them. Sind makros in fortnite erlaubt Popular fortnite bobbleheads argos 3d models for which is better pubg or fortnite your 3d minecraft mod fortnite. Can give as low as lv 3 chest if van takes 20% dmg. There’s a lot of other silly things with the game that get zero attention from the community. (Example, no hero actually uses clubs but no one complains, fire rate is faster on pc than console without fps as a factor, and more) —.

One of my favorite things that keeps pulling me back to Diablo 3 is how fun it is to theorycraft and analyze all of the different values that are well documented either in game or by other nerds like me posting in forums. It's fun to break everything down and use basic math skills to determine what I can do with my characters to increase their power level.

I also enjoy sharing my findings with the community, as I've done in the past: /r/diablo3/comments/abtpaf/diablo_3_greater_rift_scaling_guide/

I make no claims of any of these ideas being completely original, but they are relatively new to me at the time of writing, and I did the work of figuring things out on my own. Anyone can hit up Google and try to find the answer, but I'm weird like that. If I don't understand the process of getting to that answer, how am I to trust that they didn't make a mistake?

This guide is for everyone out there who, like me, have been curious about just how valuable this stat really is.


From the ingame tooltip: 'All attacks have a 20% chance to also deal ___% of the damage to enemies within 10 yards.'

This means different things to different builds and classes. To a Condemn Crusader, it means the more density and the more enemies they hit, the more Area Damage procs they can get. If they fight 5 or more enemies, they have a good chance to proc Area Damage with each attack. If they fight 10, they have a good chance to get 2 Area Damage procs for each attack, and so on. For a Condemn Crusader with 100% Area Damage, this nearly triples the damage of Condemn, and it actually is for all enemies but the 2 it was procced off of. Area Damage scales amazingly with AoE and density.

To an Impale Demon Hunter, it means something different. It means that if they can 1-shot an enemy, then at 100% Area Damage they have a 1 in 5 chance to 1-shot all the enemies within 10 yards. This is amazing for a fast-hitting elite hunter that is limited on how many enemies they can hit with each attack, often with lesser enemies blocking attacks on elites. However, to a rift guardian killer, it means nothing unless they get a rift guardian that spawns lots of adds. Otherwise, it's completely wasted. Area Damage is good for everyone, so long as you are fighting more than one enemy at a time.

There are a few different values that are necessary for determining the effectiveness Area Damage. How many enemies are hit, how many enemies are in 10-yard Area Damage range, and how much total Area Damage you have:

EP = Enemies Procced (20%)

ER = Enemies in Range hit by area damage

AD = Area Damage

EH = Enemies Hit by the player

DMG% = Percent damage vs hitting a single enemy.

(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

For example, with the free 50% Area Damage everyone gets from paragon, a Crusader hitting 5 enemies with Condemn:

(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

1 * 4 * 50 + 5 * 100 = DMG%

200 + 500 = 700%

All 5 enemies get hit with 100% damage from Condemn, and 4 out of 5 get hit with 50% Area Damage. So just how effective is it? Well, if Area Damage was 0%, the total damage would be 500%.


700 / 500 = 1.4

That's right! Just those 50 points from paragon gives us 40% more damage against 5 enemies. Let's check out a realistic scenario for the Impale Demon Hunter. 1 Enemy Hit, 5 in range:

(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

1 * 4 * 50 + 1 * 100 = DMG%

200 + 100 = 300%

Triple Damage! Well…every 5 hits…let's add up 5 hits…

100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 100 = 500 @ 0 Area Damage

100 + 100 + 100 + 100 + 300 = 700 @ 50 Area Damage

700 / 500 = 1.4

Aug 18, 2018  It depends on the champion, but in general lethality is better in early/mid, however crit does more dmg if you get to lategame. On Mf lethality is better because you can get unlucky with your R (which can crit) unless you have 100%. The flat armor penetration is just way more consistent since mf R has high base dmg. Aug 10, 2011  Crit Dmg/AS Ashe. Ashe build guides on MOBAFire. League of Legends Premiere Ashe Strategy Builds and Tools. Help Support Our Growing Community. MOBAFire is a community that lives to help every LoL player take their game to the next level by having open access to all our tools and resources. Please consider supporting us by whitelisting us. A critical strike is a basic attack or an ability that deals twice its normal damage. All basic attacks and some abilities can critically strike.It's not possible to critically strike structures, with the exception of Jhin and Fiora. Most champions have special attack animations for critical strikes. This includes mages and other champions not meant to be built using basic attacks as their. May 15, 2013  note: for gangplank crit dmg runes are more viable since his Q has some base damage and will thus easier get more dmg when having crit dmg runes conclusion: AD per lvl is more useful as critical dmg runes since it doesn't require you to have any crit chance to gain the bonus effects. AD per lvl doesn't rely on any items, crit dmg does. League of legends crit dmg download.

Yes, same as the AoE scenario. It is 80% as effective as its Area Damage value. If we double enemies hit by Area Damage:

Condemn – 10 enemies (8 hit by AD):

(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

2 * 8 * 50 + 10 * 100 = DMG%

800 + 1000 = 1800%

1800 / 1000 = 1.8

Impale with 9 enemies (8 hit by AD):

(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

1 * 8 * 50 + 1 * 100 = DMG%

400 + 100 = 500%

100 + 100 + 100+ 100 + 500 = 900%

900 / 500 = 1.8

80% more damage. This is why it truly shines with density. But how does it scale with additional Area Damage on Gear?


(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

1 * 4 * 100 + 5 * 100 = DMG%

400 + 500 = 900%


(EP * ER * AD) + (EH * 100) = DMG%

1 * 4 * 100 + 1 * 100 = DMG%

400 + 100 = 500%

100 + 100 + 100+ 100 + 500 = 900%

900 / 500 = 1.8

It scales with gear similarly to how it scales with density. It's worth noting that it is affected by diminishing returns. The first 50% gives you 40% more damage. The second 50% gives you 1.8 / 1.4 = 1.286, or 28.6% more damage. Again, it is exactly 80% as effective as its Area Damage value. We can use this to make a new formula to actually compare values:


So, we all get 50% Area Damage from paragon, and as you can see it is very effective. However, it is situational, and so it is important to be able to estimate just how much more damage you will get by rolling off one of your stats to get more.

If we take our new formula and plug in the amount of Area Damage you're thinking about rolling for such as shoulders with 20% Area Damage, we can do this:

(50 * 0.8) + 100 = 140%

(70 * 0.8) + 100 = 156%

156 / 140 = 1.1142857142857142857142857142857

20% more Area Damage will increase your overall damage, against multiple enemies, by about 11.4%.

If you have a specific goal in mind, you can actually figure out how much you need. For example, you just got a Furnace in the cube that gives you 50% additional damage against the rift guardian, and now you feel like your weakness is clearing up to the rift guardian. In order to raise your damage against multiple enemies by 50%, you can do this:

What you have: 50 * 0.8 + 100 = 140

What you want: 140 * 1.5 = 210

AD * 0.8 + 100 = 210

Fortnite 100 Dmg Is Actually O9 2

AD * 0.8 = 110

AD = 110 / 0.8

AD = 137.5

You can get 24% AD on weapons and 20% from 3 other items to get pretty close at 134% Area Damage. It's kind of funny to think about, but at over 100% your Area Damage will actually be hitting harder than you do.


Is it worth it to stack Area Damage? It really depends on where you are in your progression. It does have diminishing returns, and you already get a good amount of it through paragon. It also depends on what you'd be replacing. It is a good idea when your mainstat starts hitting significant diminishing returns at high paragon levels. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to comment below. Thanks for reading!

Source: Original link

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© Post 'Diablo 3 Area Damage Scaling Guide' for game Diablo 3.

Top 10 Most Anticipated Video Games of 2020

2020 will have something to satisfy classic and modern gamers alike. To be eligible for the list, the game must be confirmed for 2020, or there should be good reason to expect its release in that year. Therefore, upcoming games with a mere announcement and no discernible release date will not be included.

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2020 has a ton to look forward the video gaming world. Here are fifteen games we're looking forward to in the first half of 2020.

Build the Radar

Fortnite 100 Dmg Is Actually O9 Full

  • can solo at any level

  • doesn’t require guns

  • can finish in a few minutes and then afk

  • lv 5 chest

Repair the Shelter

  • can solo at almost any level

  • hardly requires guns or spending material

  • can finish in a few min, afk, then come back and fight waves

  • wave defense is 4 minutes without direction-change against mini husks, flingers, and 2-3 propanes total. Even in a group 4-player mission.

  • can almost afk the full 4 min

  • lv 5 chest

Retrieve The Data / Evacuate The Shelter

  • long defenses

  • 3 different directional spawns and changes direction twice for a full 360 coverage

  • demands guns and spending material

  • spams smashers, lobbers of both kinds, propanes for up to 3 minutes, blasters, takers in high volumes

  • glitches and doesn’t tell you element half the time

  • retrieve the data requires perfect health for lv 4 chest, evac shelter gives lv 4 chest

Ride the Lightning

  • two wave defense, can change elements for second wave

  • spawns are everywhere, demands kill tunnels close to base

  • spams propane and smashers and purple lobbers and blasters and takers, demands kill tunnels far from base

  • only mission in game where you need a roof (you don’t need one for any other mission, except atlases)

  • needs a stupidly tall roof.

  • lobbers will spam from behind mountains, in a large circle around van, while propane approaches van

  • demands guns and spending material

  • can give as low as lv 3 chest if van takes 20% dmg

There’s a lot of other silly things with the game that get zero attention from the community. (Example, no hero actually uses clubs but no one complains, fire rate is faster on pc than console without fps as a factor, and more)

Original link

Disk Image (.dmg), and is a file format commonly used to distribute files and applications among Apple computers. A dmg file can be used as a virtual DVD or hard drive. DMG files can be “mounted” on a Mac in order to work with their contents, or even burned to an actual physical disk. Looking for the definition of DMG? Find out what is the full meaning of DMG on! 'Duel Masters Guide' is one option - get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource. All trade marks belong to the respective owners. Copyrights © 2020 Target Informatics Pvt. All rights reserved. Dimethylglycine (DMG) is a derivative of the amino acid glycine with the structural formula (CH3)2NCH2COOH. Full form of dmg in chemistry. Dimethylglyoxime is a chemical compound described by the formula CH 3 C(NOH)C(NOH)CH 3. Its abbreviation is dmgH 2 for neutral form, and dmgH for anionic form, where H stands for hydrogen. This colourless solid is the di oxime derivative of the diketone butane-2,3-dione (also known as diacetyl ).

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Fortnite 100 Dmg Is Actually O9 1

Fortnite 100 Dmg Is Actually O9 5

Top 10 Most Anticipated Video Games of 2020

2020 will have something to satisfy classic and modern gamers alike. To be eligible for the list, the game must be confirmed for 2020, or there should be good reason to expect its release in that year. Therefore, upcoming games with a mere announcement and no discernible release date will not be included.

Top 15 NEW Games of 2020 [FIRST HALF]

2020 has a ton to look forward the video gaming world. Here are fifteen games we're looking forward to in the first half of 2020.