Can T Open Dmg Invalid Checksum

  1. Jun 10, 2013  This happens on every mac update for unity, I get invalid checksum. Usually i download from another mac, but the previous 3.5.1 update I had to download from work, put on to a flash drive, and bring home (had to do it 4 times for it to finally work). Now, no matter where i download it from, or what machine, I get invalid checksum on the mac.
  2. Select the.dmg file that you downloaded. It is usually in your Downloads folder and is named something like: rhino6.20.2.dmg (the version number will vary) If your downloaded file is not valid, go to download and request another download link.

By AppleInsider Staff
Monday, March 07, 2016, 07:53 am PT (10:53 am ET)

Some Mac users received a nasty surprise last week when it was discovered that a recent version of the open source Transmission BitTorrent client infected their computer with malware —a situation that may have been avoided with proper precautions.

I have a downloaded.dmg file that won't open due to an invalid checksum. Can anything be done with it? At the beginning of a disk image file is the sum of all the bits in that file. The program will then checksum to see if the sum is what is really in the image. If you downloaded it from a website.

Most savvy computer users know that it's important to be vigilant about where they download software from, but few stop to verify that the file they received is the file they were supposed to receive. This can be a critical final step in preventing malware infections of the sort we saw with Transmission.
Developers often post checksums or hashes alongside the download links for their projects to facilitate this kind of verification. Broadly, a checksum is the result of a mathematical calculation run on a particular file —if the file hasn't been altered, the checksum you calculate will match the checksum provided by the developer.
It's still not clear exactly how the infected download made it onto Transmission's website, but those who received it early in the process have reported that the bad file's checksum didn't match the checksum provided by the Transmission team. If they had verified the checksum before installing, they would've known something was amiss.

Hp Tuners Invalid Checksum

It's worth mentioning that this is not an infallible process: if a website is compromised, the attacker could've easily changed the checksum as well. Still, it's a useful —and very quick —precaution to take.
Important note: For most people, files will be automatically placed in their downloads folder. To access this folder in Terminal, use ~/Downloads.

Verifying an SHA-1 checksum

SHA-1 is the checksum format used by Apple, among many others. To find the SHA1 checksum of a file, open a Terminal window and enter the following:
openssl sha1 /full/path/to/file
If your file is called Paint.dmg and it's in the Downloads folder, it would look like this:
openssl sha1 ~/Downloads/Paint.dmg

The result should look like this:
SHA1(/Users/username/Downloads/Paint.dmg) =07272d863ab77113e38e6ce3878c2162feb4893e
The series of letters and numbers in the result is the checksum: just compare it to the checksum provided by the developer.

Verifying an SHA256 checksum

Another popular checksum is SHA256, the kind used by Transmission's team. To verify it on a Mac, use:
openssl dgst -sha256 /full/path/to/file

Verifying an MD5 checksum

MD5 is no longer recommended as a checksum hash for security reasons, but some legacy programs may still use it. To verify:
openssl md5 /full/path/to/file

Common Kerberos Error Messages (A-M)

This section provides an alphabetical list (A-M) of common error messagesfor the Kerberos commands, Kerberos daemons, PAM framework, GSS interface,the NFS service, and the Kerberos library.

All authentication systems disabled; connection refused


This version of rlogind doesnot support any authentication mechanism.


Make sure that rlogind isinvoked with the -k option.

Another authentication mechanism must be used to access this host


Authentication could not be done.


Make sure that the client is using KerberosV5 mechanism for authentication.

Authentication negotiation has failed, which is required for encryption.Good bye.


Authentication could not be negotiated withthe server.


Start authentication debugging by invokingthe telnet command with the toggle authdebug commandand look at the debug messages for further clues. Also, make sure that youhave valid credentials.

Bad krb5 admin server hostname while initializing kadmin interface


An invalid host name is configured for admin_server in the krb5.conf file.


Make sure that the correct host name forthe master KDC is specified on the admin_server line inthe krb5.conf file.

Bad lifetime value


The lifetime value provided is not valid orincorrectly formatted.


Make sure that the value provided is consistentwith the Time Formats section in the kinit(1) man page.

Bad start time value


The start time value provided is not valid orincorrectly formatted.


Make sure that the value provided is consistentwith the Time Formats section in the kinit(1) man page.

How To Open .dmg

Cannot contact any KDC for requested realm


No KDC responded in the requested realm.


Make sure that at least one KDC (either themaster or a slave) is reachable or that the krb5kdc daemonis running on the KDCs. Check the /etc/krb5/krb5.conf filefor the list of configured KDCs (kdc =kdc-name).

Cannot determine realm for host


Kerberos cannot determine the realm name forthe host.


Make sure that there is a default realm name,or that the domain name mappings are set up in the Kerberos configurationfile (krb5.conf).

Cannot find KDC for requested realm


No KDC was found in the requested realm.


Make sure that the Kerberos configurationfile (krb5.conf) specifies a KDC in the realm section.

cannot initialize realm realm-name


The KDC might not have a stash file.


Make sure that the KDC has a stash file.If not, create a stash file by using the kdb5_util command,and try restarting the krb5kdc command.

Cannot resolve KDC for requested realm


Kerberos cannot determine any KDC for the realm.


Make sure that the Kerberos configurationfile (krb5.conf) specifies a KDC in the realm section.

Cannot reuse password


The password that you specified has been usedbefore by this principal.

How To Open Dmg File


Choose a password that has not been chosenbefore, at least not within the number of passwords that are kept in the KDCdatabase for each principal. This policy is enforced by the principal's policy.

Can't get forwarded credentials


Credential forwarding could not be established.


Make sure that the principal has forwardablecredentials.

Can't open/find Kerberos configuration file


The Kerberos configuration file (krb5.conf) was unavailable.


Make sure that the krb5.conf fileis available in the correct location and has the correct permissions. Thisfile should be writable by root and readable by everyoneelse.

Client did not supply required checksum--connection rejected


Authentication with checksum was not negotiatedwith the client. The client might be using an old Kerberos V5 protocol thatdoes not support initial connection support.


Make sure that the client is using a KerberosV5 protocol that supports initial connection support.

Client/server realm mismatch in initial ticket request


A realm mismatch between the client and serveroccurred in the initial ticket request.


Make sure that the server you are communicatingwith is in the same realm as the client, or that the realm configurationsare correct.

Client or server has a null key


The principal has a null key.


Modify the principal to have a non-null keyby using the cpw command of kadmin.

Communication failure with server while initializing kadmin interface


The host that was specified for the admin server,also called the master KDC, did not have the kadmind daemonrunning.


Make sure that you specified the correcthost name for the master KDC. If you specified the correct host name, makesure that kadmind is running on the master KDC that youspecified.

Credentials cache file permissions incorrect


You do not have the appropriate read or writepermissions on the credentials cache (/tmp/krb5cc_uid).


Make sure that you have read and write permissionson the credentials cache.

Credentials cache I/O operation failed XXX


Kerberos had a problem writing to the system'scredentials cache (/tmp/krb5cc_uid).


Make sure that the credentials cache hasnot been removed, and that there is space left on the device by using the df command.

Decrypt integrity check failed

How To Open .dmg File On Windows


You might have an invalid ticket.


Verify both of these conditions:

  • Make sure that your credentials are valid. Destroy your ticketswith kdestroy, and create new tickets with kinit.

  • Make sure that the target host has a keytab file with thecorrect version of the service key. Use kadmin to viewthe key version number of the service principal (for example, host/FQDN-hostname) in the Kerberos database. Also, use klist-k on the target host to make sure that it has the same key versionnumber.

Encryption could not be enabled. Goodbye.


Encryption could not be negotiated with theserver.


Start authentication debugging by invokingthe telnet command with the toggle encdebug commandand look at the debug messages for further clues.

failed to obtain credentials cache


During kadmin initialization,a failure occurred when kadmin tried to obtain credentialsfor the admin principal.


Make sure that you used the correct principaland password when you executed kadmin.

Field is too long for this implementation


The message size that was being sent by a Kerberizedapplication was too long. This error could be generated if the transport protocolis UDP. which has a default maximum message size 65535 bytes. In addition,there are limits on individual fields within a protocol message that is sentby the Kerberos service.


Verify that you have not restricted the transportto UDP in the KDC server's /etc/krb5/kdc.conf file.

GSS-API (or Kerberos) error


This message is a generic GSS-API or Kerberoserror message and can be caused by several different problems.


Check the /var/krb5/kdc.log fileto find the more specific error message that was logged when this error occurred.

Hostname cannot be canonicalized


Kerberos cannot make the host name fully qualified.


Make sure that the host name is defined inDNS and that the host-name-to-address and address-to-host-name mappings areconsistent.

Illegal cross-realm ticket


The ticket sent did not have the correct cross-realms.The realms might not have the correct trust relationships set up.


Make sure that the realms you are using havethe correct trust relationships.

Improper format of Kerberos configuration file


The Kerberos configuration file has invalidentries.


Make sure that all the relations in the krb5.conf file are followed by the “=” sign and a value.Also, verify that the brackets are present in pairs for each subsection.

Inappropriate type of checksum in message


The message contained an invalid checksum type.


Check which valid checksum types are specifiedin the krb5.conf and kdc.conf files.

Incorrect net address


There was a mismatch in the network address.The network address in the ticket that was being forwarded was different fromthe network address where the ticket was processed. This message might occurwhen tickets are being forwarded.


Make sure that the network addresses arecorrect. Destroy your tickets with kdestroy, and createnew tickets with kinit.

Invalid credential was supplied

Service key not available


The service ticket in the credentials cachemay be incorrect.


Destroy current credential cache and rerun kinit before trying to use this service.

Invalid flag for file lock mode


An internal Kerberos error occurred.


Please report a bug.

Invalid message type specified for encoding


Kerberos could not recognize the message typethat was sent by the Kerberized application.


If you are using a Kerberized applicationthat was developed by your site or a vendor, make sure that it is using Kerberoscorrectly.


Invalid number of character classes


The password that you specified for the principaldoes not contain enough password classes, as enforced by the principal's policy.


Make sure that you specify a password withthe minimum number of password classes that the policy requires.

KADM err: Memory allocation failure


There is insufficient memory to run kadmin.


Free up memory and try running kadmin again.

kadmin: Bad encryption type while changing host/<FQDN>'s key


More default encryption types are included inthe base release in the Solaris 10 8/07 release. Clients can request encryptiontypes that may not be supported by a KDC running an older version of the Solarissoftware.


Several solutions exist to fix this problem.The easiest one to implement is listed first:

  1. Add the SUNWcry and SUNWcryr packages to the KDC server. Thisincreases the number of encryption types supported by the KDC.

  2. Set permitted_enctypes in krb5.conf onthe client to not include the aes256 encryption type. Thisstep will need to be done on each new client.

KDC can't fulfill requested option


The KDC did not allow the requested option. A possible problem might be that postdating or forwardable options were beingrequested, and the KDC did not allow them. Another problem might be that yourequested the renewal of a TGT, but you didn't have a renewable TGT.


Determine if you are either requesting anoption that the KDC does not allow or a type of ticket that is not available.

KDC policy rejects request


The KDC policy did not allow the request. Forexample, the request to the KDC did not have an IP address in its request.Or forwarding was requested, but the KDC did not allow it.


Make sure that you are using kinit withthe correct options. If necessary, modify the policy that is associated withthe principal or change the principal's attributes to allow the request. Youcan modify the policy or principal by using kadmin.

KDC reply did not match expectations


The KDC reply did not contain the expected principalname, or other values in the response were incorrect.


Make sure that the KDC you are communicatingwith complies with RFC1510, that the request you are sending is a KerberosV5 request, or that the KDC is available.

kdestroy: Could not obtain principal name from cache


The credentials cache is missing or corrupted.


Check that the cache location provided iscorrect. Remove and obtain a new TGT using kinit, if necessary.

kdestroy: No credentials cache file found while destroying cache


The credentials cache (/tmp/krb5c_uid) is missing or corrupted.


Check that the cache location provided iscorrect. Remove and obtain a new TGT using kinit, if necessary.

kdestroy: TGT expire warning NOT deleted


The credentials cache is missing or corrupted.


Check that the cache location provided iscorrect. Remove and obtain a new TGT using kinit, if necessary.

Kerberos authentication failed

IPhone Configuration Utility lets you easily create, maintain, encrypt, and install configuration profiles, track and install provisioning profiles and authorized applications, and capture device information including console logs. Configuration profiles are XML files that contain device security policies. The 3.5 version of iPhone Configuration Utility for Mac is provided as a free download on our website. This free software for Mac OS X was originally created by Apple Inc. The app's installation file is generally known as iphoneconfigutility.dmg. The bundle identifier for this application is Iphone configuration utility for mac dmg 2. Latest version I can find (for Mac) is v3.5. iPhone Configuration Utility 3.5 for Mac OS X And that version was last posted on March 7, 2012. So, this has been neglected for more than two years! When I load my iPad Air the utility does not exactly recognize the device. So, it shows up as a question mark. However, I can still configure a few things on it. But it does not exactly support iOS 7. When, if ever. Apple Configurator 2 makes it easy to deploy iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, and Apple TV devices in your institution. Use Apple Configurator to configure your devices You can use Apple Configurator to quickly configure large numbers of devices with the settings, apps, and data you specify for your students, employees, or customers.


The Kerberos password is either incorrect orthe password might not be synchronized with the UNIX password.


If the password are not synchronized, thenyou must specify a different password to complete Kerberos authentication.It is possible that the user has forgotten their original password.

Kerberos V5 refuses authentication


Authentication could not be negotiated withthe server.


Start authentication debugging by invokingthe telnet command with the toggle authdebug commandand look at the debug messages for further clues. Also, make sure that youhave valid credentials.

Key table entry not found


No entry exists for the service principal inthe network application server's keytab file.


Add the appropriate service principal tothe server's keytab file so that it can provide the Kerberized service.

Key version number for principal in key table is incorrect


A principal's key version in the keytab fileis different from the version in the Kerberos database. Either a service'skey has been changed, or you might be using an old service ticket.


If a service's key has been changed (forexample, by using kadmin), you need to extract the newkey and store it in the host's keytab file where the service is running.

Alternately, you might be using an old service ticket that has an olderkey. You might want to run the kdestroy command and thenthe kinit command again.

kinit: gethostname failed


An error in the local network configurationis causing kinit to fail.


Make sure that the host is configured correctly.

login: load_modules: can not open module /usr/lib/security/


Either the Kerberos PAM module is missing orit is not a valid executable binary.


Make sure that the Kerberos PAM module isin the /usr/lib/security directory and that it is a validexecutable binary. Also, make sure that the /etc/pam.conf filecontains the correct path to

Looping detected inside krb5_get_in_tkt


Kerberos made several attempts to get the initialtickets but failed.


Make sure that at least one KDC is respondingto authentication requests.

Master key does not match database


The loaded database dump was not created froma database that contains the master key. The master key is located in /var/krb5/.k5.REALM.


Make sure that the master key in the loadeddatabase dump matches the master key that is located in /var/krb5/.k5.REALM.

Matching credential not found


The matching credential for your request wasnot found. Your request requires credentials that are unavailable in the credentialscache.


Destroy your tickets with kdestroy,and create new tickets with kinit.

Message out of order


Messages that were sent using sequential-orderprivacy arrived out of order. Some messages might have been lost in transit.


You should reinitialize the Kerberos session.

Message stream modified

Mac new image from folder dmg Using macOS Disk Utility to create DMG file. Next step, go to Finder Application Utilities and open macOS Disk Utility App. In the macOS Disk Utility App, go to File New Image Image from Folder. See screenshot below. And then choose the folder of your files and documents that you want to create the DMG file. Dec 28, 2019  How to Make a DMG File on a Mac - Creating a DMG File Manually Create a New Folder for your files. Right-click (or CTRL-Click) the folder and select 'Get Info. Open 'Disk Utility. Click the 'New Image' icon to create a new disk image. In the Disk Utility app on your Mac, choose File New Image, then choose Image from Folder. Select the folder or connected device in the dialog that appears, then click Open. Enter a filename for the disk image, add tags if necessary, then choose where to save it. Apr 16, 2019  TransMac: Access and Create Mac Disk Images (DMG) in Windows. When you download software for your Mac computer, it usually comes in form of DMG files. These DMG files are actually disk image files supported only on Mac operating system. You can mount them in your Mac computer and read the contents easily.


There was a mismatch between the computed checksumand the message checksum. The message might have been modified while in transit,which can indicate a security leak.


Make sure that the messages are being sentacross the network correctly. Because this message can also indicate the possibletampering of messages while they are being sent, destroy your tickets using kdestroy and reinitialize the Kerberos services that you are using.